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于 2009-10-06 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  对互谱法被动测距的原理及算法各个环节进行仿真验证:加权最小二乘估计中权系数的选取;相关窗长度的选取;各频段综合方法等等。最后实现了对9000m—15000m距离的测距(Cross-spectral method for passive ranging all aspects of theory and algorithms for simulation: weighted least squares estimation of the right of the selection coefficient related to the length of the selection window an integrated approach to the various bands and so on. Finally realize the right of ranging from 9000m-15000m)





0 个回复

  • acoustic_fir_floor
    这是地球物理学中声波波动方程正演程序,非常有用(this is a program about finite difference)
    2014-05-31 23:43:08下载
  • MP_DOA
    针对多径效应的影响,提出了一种基于矩阵束的MIMO 雷达低仰角快速估计方法。该方法同时考虑了发射多径信号和接收多径信号,采用单样本数信号矢量构造了一个前后向矩阵束,并利用两个酉矩阵对该矩阵束进行降维处理,最后采用广义特征值分解的总体最小二乘法来估计目标角度。算法不需要估计数据协方差矩阵,可在低 信噪比和单样本数情况下,有效地克服多径效应,实现同时多目标低仰角估计,相比最大似然算法,避免了谱峰搜索,计算量小。仿真结果验证了该算法的有效性。(To overcome the multipath effect, a fast algorithm for low elevation estimation for MIMO radar via matrix pencil is proposed. The signals both in transmit multipath and receive multipath are considered. Firstly, a forward-backward matrix pencil is formed based on the single-sampled vector. Secondly, the reduced-dimensional processing is applied to the matrix pencil via two unitary matrices. Finally, the generalized eigen-decomposition is employed to estimate the low elevation in multipath environments directly. Without the covariance matrix estimation, the proposed method can overcome multipath effect effectively in case of low SNR and estimate multi-target simultaneously. Compared with Maximum Likelihood (ML) method, it avoids spectrum peak searching and reduces the computational burden. Numerical results verify the effectiveness of this method)
    2011-09-03 10:54:42下载
  • python convex optimization
    采用凸优化的理论解决优化问题,使用python语言,采用pip安装即可(The convex optimization theory is used to solve the optimization problem. Python language is used and pip is installed)
    2018-08-01 19:46:37下载
  • df
    说明:  经过个人修改的matlab科学计算程序,供初学者使用(MATLAB scientific computing and visualization simulation literature amended program can achieve numerical conversion between)
    2012-08-06 19:12:57下载
    这是另一个改进的关于数字预失真功能仿真的matlab程序,效果不错,希望对大家有所帮助。(This is a improved matlab program about function estimation of digital estimation,and it has a good performance,really hope it can help you.)
    2012-06-01 11:31:35下载
  • modified-burgers-model
    改进的burgers模型,非常适合学习UMAT的同志们学习,来自廖公云老师的《ABAQUS有限元软件在道路工程中的应用》(Improved burgers model is ideal for learning UMAT comrades learn from Liao Gongyun teacher "ABAQUS finite element software road works)
    2021-04-05 17:19:03下载
  • perturbation-methods
    经典的微扰法,包括各种各样的非线性动力学理论的研究方法及其基本原理(Classical perturbation method, including all kinds of nonlinear dynamics theory research methods and its basic principle)
    2021-03-31 10:09:09下载
  • SPH3DOnTheBook
    Dr. Liu 在《光滑粒子流体动力学--一种无网格方法》一书中提供的光滑粒子流体动力学(SPH)源程序,采用Fortran语言编写,用于计算可压缩流体力学问题。(Dr. Liu in the " Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics- a meshless method," a book provided by the smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) source code, using Fortran language, used to calculate the fluid flow problem.)
    2021-01-08 11:58:51下载
  • photonic_crystal_period
    用matlab编写的关于用传输矩阵法计算一维光子晶体的透射率随周期数变化的程序,感觉非常有用(using Matlab prepared on the use of the transfer matrix method one-dimensional photonic crystal with the transmission cycle Change The procedure, a very useful)
    2006-11-15 22:30:29下载
  • read_nc
    用fortran语言读取NC格式的数据,与大家分享,希望能够共同进步哈,谢谢(Used fortran language to read NC data format to share with you, hoping to make progress together Ha, thank you)
    2013-07-14 20:05:05下载
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