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于 2018-04-18 发布 文件大小:259KB
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  本次变成是基于matlab的有关图像压缩的仿真程序,希望能帮到大家(This is a simulation program of image compression based on MATLAB. I hope to help you.)


spiht, 0 , 2018-04-10
spiht\bldwt9_7.m, 1051 , 2005-05-29
spiht\childMat.asv, 764 , 2007-12-09
spiht\childMat.m, 869 , 2007-12-09
spiht\coef_DOL.asv, 789 , 2007-12-07
spiht\coef_DOL.m, 949 , 2007-12-09
spiht\coef_H.asv, 577 , 2007-12-07
spiht\coef_H.m, 599 , 2007-12-07
spiht\d2bldwt9_7.m, 694 , 2005-05-29
spiht\d2fldwt9_7.m, 619 , 2005-05-29
spiht\decnum2bin.asv, 639 , 2007-12-05
spiht\decRefine.asv, 848 , 2007-12-06
spiht\decRefine.m, 953 , 2007-12-07
spiht\downspl.m, 307 , 2007-06-20
spiht\f_SPIHT_Main.m, 1874 , 2005-06-20
spiht\fldwt9_7.m, 1045 , 2005-05-29
spiht\flor.m, 34 , 2007-06-08
spiht\fracnum2bin.asv, 1722 , 2007-12-06
spiht\fracnum2bin.m, 1869 , 2007-12-07
spiht\func_MyDescendant.m, 1158 , 2004-04-26
spiht\func_ReadRaw.m, 767 , 2005-05-07
spiht\func_SPIHT_Dec.m, 6277 , 2005-05-27
spiht\func_SPIHT_Enc.m, 826 , 2005-05-08
spiht\func_WriteRaw.m, 575 , 2005-05-08
spiht\hs_err_pid3152.log, 14579 , 2007-12-09
spiht\isImtCoefSet.asv, 199 , 2007-12-05
spiht\isImtValue.asv, 159 , 2007-12-04
spiht\lena512.raw, 262144 , 2003-05-20
spiht\lip_decode.asv, 1469 , 2007-12-07
spiht\lip_decode.m, 1727 , 2007-12-07
spiht\lip_scan.asv, 1113 , 2007-12-07
spiht\lip_scan.m, 1373 , 2007-12-07
spiht\lis_decode.asv, 4613 , 2007-12-07
spiht\lis_decode.m, 4779 , 2007-12-07
spiht\lis_scan.asv, 4739 , 2007-12-07
spiht\lis_scan.m, 4739 , 2007-12-09
spiht\listorder.asv, 1244 , 2007-12-07
spiht\listorder.m, 1354 , 2007-12-07
spiht\mat2list.m, 367 , 2007-12-05
spiht\modmat.m, 500 , 2007-06-20
spiht\morton.m, 198 , 2007-11-29
spiht\mydwt.m, 1360 , 2007-07-30
spiht\mydwt2.m, 1257 , 2007-11-13
spiht\myidwt.m, 1202 , 2007-06-19
spiht\myidwt2.m, 1079 , 2007-06-19
spiht\mywavedec2.m, 1211 , 2007-12-09
spiht\mywaverec2.m, 1685 , 2007-12-09
spiht\refinement.asv, 914 , 2007-12-06
spiht\refinement.m, 972 , 2007-12-06
spiht\SnOut.asv, 513 , 2007-12-09
spiht\SnOut.m, 677 , 2007-12-09
spiht\spiht.asv, 1077 , 2007-12-09
spiht\spiht.m, 1062 , 2007-12-11
spiht\SPIHT_Enc.m, 8448 , 2005-05-08
spiht\spihtcoding.asv, 3563 , 2007-12-09
spiht\spihtcoding.m, 3359 , 2007-12-09
spiht\spihtdecoding.asv, 2936 , 2007-12-09
spiht\spihtdecoding.m, 3003 , 2007-12-09
spiht\test97.m, 210 , 2005-05-29
spiht\testspiht.m, 68 , 2005-06-20
spiht\treeMat.asv, 610 , 2007-12-04
spiht\treeMat.m, 661 , 2007-12-04
spiht\updaImtVal.asv, 237 , 2007-12-06
spiht\upspl.m, 430 , 2007-06-19



0 个回复

  • huiduzhifang
    按照C语言程序实现对128x128像素点、256灰度等级灰度图像的灰度直方图显示(In accordance with the C language program to 128x128 pixels, 256 gray scale histogram display grayscale images)
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  • wenlitezhengtiqu
    包括计算共生矩阵、对共生矩阵归一化、对共生矩阵计算能量、熵、惯性矩、相关4个纹理参数、求能量、熵、惯性矩、相关的均值和标准差作为最终8维纹理特征 (Including the calculation of co-occurrence matrix, normalized to the co-occurrence matrix, co-occurrence matrix calculation on the energy, entropy, moment of inertia, related to four texture parameters, find the energy, entropy, moment of inertia, related to the mean and standard deviation as the final eight-dimensional texture feature)
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  • matlabsanweichongjian
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