二维卡通任务交互设计系统,实现直线,多边形绘制算法(橡皮筋效果),实现基于鼠标交互的卡通人物设计与绘制。使用颜色填充与反走样技术对卡通人物外貌以及衣着进行绘制。实现对卡通人物轮廓的交互控制,点击鼠标左键可以对人物五官位置进行拖拽移动调整。点击鼠标右键可以对卡通人物进行放缩等操作。(Two-dimensional cartoon task interactive design system realizes straight line, polygon rendering algorithm (rubber band effect), and cartoon character design and rendering based on mouse interaction. Using color filling and anti-aliasing technology to draw the appearance and clothing of cartoon characters. To realize the interactive control of cartoon character contour, clicking the left mouse button can adjust the position of the five features of the characters by dragging and dragging. Click the right mouse button to zoom in and out the cartoon characters.)
cartoon, 0 , 2018-05-05
cartoon\Debug, 0 , 2018-05-05
cartoon\Debug\cartoon.log, 90 , 2018-05-05
cartoon\Debug\cartoon.tlog, 0 , 2018-05-05
cartoon\Debug\cartoon.tlog\CL.command.1.tlog, 630 , 2018-05-05
cartoon\Debug\cartoon.tlog\, 19552 , 2018-05-05
cartoon\Debug\cartoon.tlog\CL.write.1.tlog, 464 , 2018-05-05
cartoon\Debug\cartoon.tlog\cartoon.lastbuildstate, 211 , 2018-05-05
cartoon\Debug\cartoon.tlog\link.command.1.tlog, 1118 , 2018-05-05
cartoon\Debug\cartoon.tlog\, 4492 , 2018-05-05
cartoon\Debug\cartoon.tlog\link.write.1.tlog, 448 , 2018-05-05
cartoon\Debug\vc141.idb, 158720 , 2018-05-05
cartoon\Debug\vc141.pdb, 356352 , 2018-05-05
cartoon\Debug\Դ.obj, 85144 , 2018-05-05
cartoon\Includes, 0 , 2018-04-28
cartoon\Includes\KHR, 0 , 2018-04-28
cartoon\Includes\KHR\khrplatform.h, 10037 , 2018-04-07
cartoon\Includes\glad, 0 , 2018-04-28
cartoon\Includes\glad\glad.h, 110489 , 2018-04-07
cartoon\Includes\glfw3.h, 152470 , 2016-08-18
cartoon\Libs, 0 , 2018-04-28
cartoon\Libs\glfw3.lib, 245676 , 2016-08-18
cartoon\Libs\glfw3dll.lib, 24454 , 2016-08-18
cartoon\cartoon.vcxproj, 5944 , 2018-04-28
cartoon\cartoon.vcxproj.filters, 948 , 2018-04-28
cartoon\cartoon.vcxproj.user, 165 , 2018-04-28
cartoon\Դ.cpp, 12558 , 2018-05-05