首页 » EasyLanguage易语言 » Image55986


于 2017-02-25 发布 文件大小:161KB
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  此源码Image55986的功能比较大众化,适合新手学习(The function of the source Image55986 is more popular, suitable for beginners to learn)



0 个回复

  • 256554
    设置浏览器控件代理源码程序,结合易语言第三方支持库WBE浏览器2.0版,调用API函数InternetSetOptionA实现设置WBE浏览器的代理服务信息。(Set browser control agent source program, combined with easy language support library WBE third-party browser version 2.0 , call the API function InternetSetOptionA achieve set WBE browser proxy service information.)
    2018-04-22 19:53:12下载
  • FM
    说明:  易语言源码,问道自动登录 自动伏魔源码易语言源码,问道自动登录 自动伏魔源码易语言源码,问道自动登录 自动伏魔源码(Easy language source code, automatic login automatically asked Buddha source)
    2014-07-09 12:24:13下载
  • 239940
    迅雷看看播放电影易语言源码,程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库和超文本浏览框支持库,调用迅雷看看网址播放电影。(Thunder player to see movies easy language source code , the program combined with easy language support library expansion interface and hypertext browsing box support library , call the Thunder look to play the movie site .)
    2017-03-22 16:49:05下载
  • easylanguagezujian
    说明:  易语言组件与实例教程,将介绍一些易语言组建,和一些实例的源码。(Easy language components and examples of tutorials will introduce some easy language form, and some examples of the source.)
    2010-04-26 09:52:04下载
  • 686
    智能换肤模块演示源码程序,调用易语言模块智能换肤模块.ec中的命令,实现窗口及其组件的颜色变换。(Smart peels module shows the source program , call the easy language module intelligent skinning module .ec the command window and its components to achieve color change .)
    2015-09-14 14:34:02下载
  • s
    说明:  易语言图片加水印源码例程程序根据图片字节集的格式,将两个图片合成一个图片,形成加水印效果。 (Easy language image plus watermark source routine procedures in accordance with the format of the image bytes, the two images of a picture, the formation of the watermark effect. )
    2017-04-11 13:31:09下载
  • 13645
    捕获指定区域画板版源码,例程程序使用快照将桌面捕获到画板上,根据鼠标在画板上的移动截取图像。(Sketchpad Version captured designated area source , routine procedures using a snapshot desktop capture to the drawing board , the interception of an image according to the mouse movement on the drawing board .)
    2018-03-06 21:39:24下载
  • CT 魔兽争霸全图辅助源码
    CT 魔兽争霸全图辅助源码,全图显蓝功能(CT Warcraft full picture auxiliary source, the whole map was blue function)
    2013-09-29 12:54:11下载
  • 38235
    CPU过载报警源码,例程程序结合易语言应用接口支持库,实现CPU使用率监控功能。(CPU overload alarm source , routine program application interfaces combined with easy language support library that implements the CPU usage monitoring.)
    2016-08-07 15:33:21下载
  • 858921
    位图操作图形选取源码,例程程序结合易语言位图操作支持库,填充小图形的背景颜色。(Select the source bitmap graphics operations , routine program combining bitmap operations easy language support library , filled with small graphic background color.)
    2016-08-09 19:27:10下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104573会员总数
  • 29今日下载