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于 2016-02-12 发布 文件大小:57KB
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  基于水的状态方程,给出了101kPa~1.5GPa范围内水中冲击波的密度、波速、流速、当地声速与压力的关系。(Based on the equation of state of water, the dependences of the shock wave density, speed, flow velocity and local sound speed on shock wave pressure are given. )



0 个回复

  • fft
    用MATLAB实现快速傅里叶变换。方程有需要的话,可以自己设定(Using MATLAB to achieve fast Fourier transform. Equation there is a need, they can set their own)
    2009-05-13 09:38:58下载
  • 1
    说明:  这是信道估计在matlab的详尽实现,已经调试成功,可以实现(Channel estimation in matlab detailed implementation, debugging has been successful, and can achieve)
    2012-08-22 09:28:40下载
  • 《精通MATLAB科学计算》
    说明:  在各行各业的工程实践中,有大量的科学计算工作需要完成。传统的计算方式一般需要较长的周期,相比之下开发效率极高的MATLAB是一个更好的选择。在MATLAB中,编程细节被简化,繁琐的实现过程也被略去,用户可以将更多精力集中于所需要处理的核心问题上。 MATLAB科学计算涉及数学、机械、电子、控制和金融等多个领域。本书以MATLAB科学工程计算为立足点,介绍MATLAB在科学计算领域中如何运用庞大的科学函数库来解决一些实际问题。在函数的选择上兼顾各函数的使用频率和专业性,力求典型全面。本书可作为MATLAB课程的教学用书或者线性代数、概率统计等课程的教学辅助书。(In the engineering practice of all walks of life, there is a lot of scientific calculation work to be completed. The traditional calculation method generally needs a long period, in contrast, the development of highly efficient MATLAB is a better choice. In MATLAB, the programming details are simplified, and the tedious implementation process is also omitted. Users can focus more on the core issues they need to deal with.)
    2020-12-30 11:46:53下载
  • Matlab_gps_pingcha
    matlab编程完成一GPS网的平差计算。起算数据见文件“起算数据.TXT”;GPS网略图见“网图.jpg”;基线向量观测值和方差见“基线.bas”。根据已知起算数据和观测值建立数学模型并进行最小二乘平差计算和精度评定。代码和计算结果在实习报告中也已详细列出。(matlab program to complete a GPS network adjustment calculation. Initial data the document entitled " Initial Data. TXT" GPS network sketch map, see " Map. Jpg" baseline vector and the variance of observations, see the " baseline. Bas" . According to initial data and observations of known mathematical model and the least squares calculation and accuracy evaluation. Code and report the results in practice have also been detailed.)
    2010-12-05 16:35:34下载
  • pzgui7350
    its a pzgui file for matlab coding
    2011-07-11 18:12:54下载
  • PTS_PAPR_Simulation
    PAPR 的matlab仿真,用PTS算法(the simulation of PAPR with PTS)
    2014-03-26 16:03:51下载
  • pso-eld
    基于模糊自适应pso的电力系统负荷调度算法,采用的测试案例是标准1ee6g系统,约束条件包括机组出力上限限制、网络损耗和功率平衡。(Based on fuzzy adaptive pso scheduling algorithm of power system load, the test case is a standard 1 ee6g system, constraint conditions including limit the output of generating unit, the network loss and power balance.)
    2013-05-08 19:08:27下载
  • 四旋翼飞行器在MATLAB中的仿真序quadrotors
    这是四旋翼飞行器在MATLAB中的仿真程序,包括simulink仿真系统和程序。(This is a four-rotor aircraft in MATLAB simulation program, including simulink simulation systems and procedures.)
    2021-03-29 09:59:11下载
  • matrix
    说明:  MATLAB环境下的矩阵运算,简单易懂的MATLAB语句,简化而好用的MATLAB句子运算(MATLAB environment, the matrix operation, easy to understand the MATLAB statement, simplified and easy to use MATLAB computing sentence)
    2010-04-15 10:29:10下载
  • m2
    说明:  最炫民族风的源代码,喜欢的可以下载下来,放在matlab中听一下。另外,这里还有其他音乐代码,需求的可以私信我。(The most unusual national wind source code, like you can download and put matlab liking it. In addition, there are other music code, demand can private letter to me.)
    2013-12-26 20:42:56下载
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