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于 2018-12-30 发布 文件大小:131KB
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  最小均方误差(LMS)自适应滤波器的matlab函数 lms.m(matlab function lms.m : LMS adaptive filter)



0 个回复

  • p3x
    计算大气折射修正,利用分段模型,采用matlab软件编程计算(matlab caculate the refraction of atmoshpere)
    2021-04-23 20:48:47下载
  • emd
    这是EMD算法,该算法是把一个信号分成几个稳定的有自己特征的信号(This is the EMD algorithm; this algorithm is to divide a signal into several stable have their own characteristics of the signal)
    2015-03-09 21:19:29下载
  • lab1_bai
    homework about the biomedical image processing
    2014-02-12 04:32:36下载
  • E_BOOK_speed_control_with_MATLAB_simulation
    交直流调速系统与MATLAB仿真 书籍,PDF格式的,将交直流调速技术和MATLAB仿真技术有机结合在一起,主要内容包括直流调速系统及其仿真、直流调速系统的动态设计及其仿真、直流脉宽调速系统及其仿真、交流调压调速系统和串级调速系统及其仿真、交流异步电动机变频调速系统及其仿真、交流异步电动机矢量控制变频调速系统及其仿真、同步电动机调速系统及其仿真。(AC and DC speed control system with the MATLAB simulation of the book, PDF format, will be AC and DC speed control technology and the organic integration of MATLAB simulation technology together, the main features of DC drive system and its simulation, the dynamics of DC drive system design and simulation DC PWM system and its simulation, AC voltage regulation speed control system and cascade speed regulation system and its simulation, the exchange of asynchronous motor VVVF system and its simulation, the exchange of vector control induction motor variable frequency speed regulation system and its simulation, synchronous motor speed control system and its simulation.)
    2009-03-22 16:31:14下载
  • A-non-linear-control
    利用非线性控制完成光伏并网逆变器的设计,设计中采用先进的反步法,介绍很好。(Using nonlinear control to complete the design of the photovoltaic (pv) grid inverter, adopted in the design of advanced reverse moves, the introduction is very good.)
    2013-12-03 23:18:53下载
  • Neural_Network_Toolbox_For_Use_with_MATLAB_newnob
    神经网络matlabtollbox,对编成很重要(Neural network matlabtollbox, very important for the formation)
    2009-04-12 08:34:08下载
  • jibenpujianfa2
    说明:  这是我自己改进的语音信号处理里面的,基于谱减法的语音处理,不仅适合初学者研究还适合有一定基础的研究者使用!(This is my own voice signal processing to improve inside, based on spectral subtraction for speech processing, not only for beginners study also have some foundation for researchers to use!)
    2010-03-23 12:54:47下载
  • dcac
    实现并网,同频同相,实现内环电流的解耦控制,实现功率外环控制的单相并网逆变器(Achieve grid inner current decoupling control the same frequency and phase, the the power outer loop control single-phase grid-connected inverter)
    2012-08-23 08:11:22下载
  • LDH
    Program for Facrotization of a matriz by LDH
    2012-10-18 09:56:17下载
  • denoising
    一维小波降噪,该程序运用多尺度小波变换法进行降噪,效果不错(One-dimensional wavelet noise reduction, the program is the use of multi-scale wavelet transform for noise reduction and good results)
    2021-03-09 13:09:27下载
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