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于 2018-04-06 发布 文件大小:617KB
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  此文件为MATLAB SVM工具箱,在使用支持向量机之前必须安装此工具箱,才能正常使用SVM的功能函数等文件。(This file is a MATLAB SVM toolkit. This toolkit must be installed before using the SVM in order to use SVM function functions and other files normally.)


libsvm-3.18\COPYRIGHT, 1497 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\FAQ.html, 78971 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\heart_scale, 27670 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\java\libsvm\svm.java, 63803 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\java\libsvm\svm.m4, 63095 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\java\libsvm\svm_model.java, 868 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\java\libsvm\svm_node.java, 115 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\java\libsvm\svm_parameter.java, 1288 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\java\libsvm\svm_print_interface.java, 87 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\java\libsvm\svm_problem.java, 136 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\java\libsvm.jar, 51916 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\java\Makefile, 624 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\java\svm_predict.java, 4950 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\java\svm_scale.java, 8944 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\java\svm_toy.java, 12269 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\java\svm_train.java, 8355 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\java\test_applet.html, 81 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\Makefile, 732 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\Makefile.win, 1084 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\matlab\heart_scale.mat, 28904 , 2017-07-14
libsvm-3.18\matlab\libsvmread.c, 4069 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\matlab\libsvmread.mexw32, 8704 , 2017-07-14
libsvm-3.18\matlab\libsvmwrite.c, 2359 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\matlab\libsvmwrite.mexw32, 7680 , 2017-07-14
libsvm-3.18\matlab\make.m, 798 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\matlab\Makefile, 1240 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\matlab\README, 9733 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\matlab\svmpredict.c, 9823 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\matlab\svmpredict.mexw32, 20480 , 2017-07-14
libsvm-3.18\matlab\svmtrain.c, 11606 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\matlab\svmtrain.mexw32, 50176 , 2017-07-14
libsvm-3.18\matlab\svm_model_matlab.c, 8241 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\matlab\svm_model_matlab.h, 201 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\python\Makefile, 32 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\python\README, 11908 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\python\svm.py, 9469 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\python\svmutil.py, 8537 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\README, 28436 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\svm-predict.c, 5536 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\svm-scale.c, 8504 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\svm-toy\gtk\callbacks.cpp, 10308 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\svm-toy\gtk\callbacks.h, 1765 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\svm-toy\gtk\interface.c, 6457 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\svm-toy\gtk\interface.h, 203 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\svm-toy\gtk\main.c, 398 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\svm-toy\gtk\Makefile, 573 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\svm-toy\gtk\svm-toy.glade, 6402 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\svm-toy\qt\Makefile, 392 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\svm-toy\qt\svm-toy.cpp, 9744 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\svm-toy\windows\svm-toy.cpp, 11503 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\svm-train.c, 8978 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\svm.cpp, 64702 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\svm.def, 477 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\svm.h, 3382 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\tools\checkdata.py, 2479 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\tools\easy.py, 2699 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\tools\grid.py, 15304 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\tools\README, 7033 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\tools\subset.py, 3202 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\windows\libsvm.dll, 160256 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\windows\libsvmread.mexw64, 11264 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\windows\libsvmwrite.mexw64, 10240 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\windows\svm-predict.exe, 125952 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\windows\svm-scale.exe, 81408 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\windows\svm-toy.exe, 141312 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\windows\svm-train.exe, 155648 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\windows\svmpredict.mexw64, 25600 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\windows\svmtrain.mexw64, 64512 , 2014-04-01
libsvm-3.18\java\libsvm, 0 , 2018-04-06
libsvm-3.18\svm-toy\gtk, 0 , 2018-04-06
libsvm-3.18\svm-toy\qt, 0 , 2018-04-06
libsvm-3.18\svm-toy\windows, 0 , 2018-04-06
libsvm-3.18\java, 0 , 2018-04-06
libsvm-3.18\matlab, 0 , 2018-04-06
libsvm-3.18\python, 0 , 2018-04-06
libsvm-3.18\svm-toy, 0 , 2018-04-06
libsvm-3.18\tools, 0 , 2018-04-06
libsvm-3.18\windows, 0 , 2018-04-06
libsvm-3.18, 0 , 2018-04-06



0 个回复

  • code1
    the attached file consists of matlab code for implementation of sequential importance sampling particle filter given in IEEE paper entitled as "A TUTORIAL ON PARTICLE FILTERS FOR ONLINE NONLINEAR NON GUASSIAN BAYESIAN TRACKING"
    2009-10-16 17:30:05下载
  • Gne
    应用遗传算法对多目标问题的优化,matlab实现(Gne. algorithm)
    2009-10-31 10:55:04下载
  • fcmthresh
    the clustering gives a high level of understanding with the present number of data sets which do not have a common behaviour between one and the other
    2009-12-10 01:41:26下载
  • matlabKlaman954
    kalman filter tutorial code
    2012-03-22 18:38:46下载
  • degree180
    18o degree conduction inverter
    2011-10-26 01:50:04下载
  • GM-PID
    这是基于于GM(0,1)模型的二级倒立摆控制的simulink仿真程序,它包括建模和仿真程序(This is based on in GM (0, 1) model of the secondary inverted pendulum is control of simulink program, it includes modeling and simulation program )
    2012-04-13 09:21:05下载
  • ANN_steepest_descent
    Steepestdecent算法程序,matlab实例程序,适合初学者学习(Steepestdecent algorithm procedures, examples of Matlab procedures for beginners learning)
    2007-03-15 13:49:11下载
  • FDPIM_Encode
    关于语音通信信道调制的程序代码,是论文的仿真程序(About voice communication channel modulation code, the authors of the paper simulation program)
    2013-12-11 09:27:39下载
  • simulation_with_GPC
    广义预测控制算法(包括在线辨识)的实现和仿真,可直接移植到支持matlab代码的软件中,诸如LABVIEW。(Generalized predictive control algorithm (including online identification) implementation and simulation, can be directly transplanted to support the matlab code of the software, such as LABVIEW.)
    2013-05-22 20:50:36下载
  • fft
    进行FFT变换,在此基础上作频谱分析、功率谱分析等。(FFT transform, on the basis for spectrum analysis, power spectrum analysis.)
    2013-08-30 09:50:01下载
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