一个简单的报时小程序,可以自定义设置您的报时模式以及提醒方式。 可以自定义每隔多少分钟循环提醒。。。。 报时方式: 自整点时刻起每隔x分钟提醒 或者 自现在时刻起每隔x分钟提醒 提醒方式: 例如选择“语音”报时或者“消息框”报时。(A simple small time program, you can customize the set of your timekeeping mode, as well as reminders. You can customize the circular reminder every many minutes.... Tell the way: every hour from X minutes to remind, or from now on every X minutes to remind remind: for example, select "voice", "timekeeping" or "message box" timekeeping.)