fuzzy_pid control
基于matalb/simulink的模糊PID控制仿真。波形良好。 包括常规PID控制与模糊PID的对比仿真,以及加入延时的系统仿真和加入干扰后的系统仿真,均已经过调试,波形结果很好。 大家可直接用于借鉴学习。(Fuzzy PID control simulation based on matalb/simulink. Good waveform. Including the conventional PID control and fuzzy PID contrast simulation, and adding delay system simulation and adding interference after the system simulation, have been debugging, waveform results are very good. We can learn from them directly.)
fuzzy_pid control
fuzzy_pid control\Delay_fuzzypid.slx
fuzzy_pid control\fuzzy2.fis
fuzzy_pid control\fuzzy_pid.slx
fuzzy_pid control\ganrao_Delay.slx