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于 2021-04-20 发布 文件大小:4400KB
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  这是我本科毕业设计论文《基于混沌序列的加密图像隐藏技术的设计与实现》,就是把一张图片加密后隐藏在载体图像中,可以抵御各种攻击,用到了Matlab,里面包括开题报告,论文,可执行程序。本文系统介绍了混沌加密、信息隐藏技术。归纳了混沌加密、信息隐藏的分类、特性与应用,给出了混沌加密、信息隐藏的原理和基本框架以及其性能的评价方法,介绍了几种图像的攻击方法。实现了一种混沌加密和图像隐藏的方法。使用混沌加密对待隐藏图像进行加密后嵌入载体图像中,并对嵌入待隐藏图像的载体图像进行了几种攻击以验证其鲁棒性。本系统运用MATLAB编程实现对图像的混沌加密,运用LSB算法将加密后图像嵌入载体图像中,并能承受图像剪切,图像增亮,图像变暗,增加对比度,减低对比度,添加积性噪声,添加高斯噪声,旋转45度,直方图均衡化等一定程度的毁损和各种攻击检测,仍然能解密得到原图像,原图像清晰可辨,鲁棒性非常好。总之本文较好的实现了基于混沌序列的加密图像隐藏技术。(This is my graduation design thesis Design and implementation of chaotic sequence image hiding technique based encryption is encrypted to hide the picture in the carrier image, can withstand a variety of attacks, uses Matlab, which includes opening report, thesis, an executable program. This article describes the chaos encryption system, information hiding technology. Summed up the chaos encryption, information hiding classification, characteristics and application, given the chaotic encryption, information hiding principle and basic framework and its performance uation methods, and introduces the method of attack several images. It implements a chaotic encryption and hidden image method. After using Chaotic Encryption treat hidden image encryption embedded vector images, vector images and embedded image to be concealed several attacks carried out in order to verify its robustness. This system using MATLAB programming chaotic image encryption, use LSB algorithm encrypted image is em)








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