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于 2017-01-12 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  测量的磁滞回线数据使用matlab拟合的方法(The measured hysteresis loop data is matlab-fitted)





0 个回复

    Development of Generalized Photovoltaic Model Using MATLAB/SIMULINK
    2010-12-12 06:32:52下载
    DBPSK,包括误码率统计和误符号率统计(DBPSK, including bit error rate and symbol error rate statistics Statistics)
    2010-12-30 21:21:34下载
  • BPSK
    两发射天线四元素正交空时分组码编码研究,BPSK的matlab仿真程序,有对比图(Two transmit antennas four elements orthogonal space-time block coding research, BPSK matlab simulation program, there are comparison chart)
    2014-01-09 11:58:17下载
  • bitreslice
    Bit-slicing function for integer matrices MATLAB function (by Damon, BSD license)
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  • oqpsk
    使用m语言对OQPSK调制方式进行仿真模拟,可以得到OQPSK调制前后以及加噪前后基带信号对比、频谱对比、星座图和误码率(您是不是要找: 使用c语言对QPSK调制方式进行仿真模拟,可以得到OQPSK调制前后以及加噪前后基带信号对比、频谱对比、星座图和误码率 Use m language OQPSK modulation system simulation, you can get around the OQPSK modulation, and baseband signal plus noise before and after contrast, spectral contrast, constellation diagrams and bit error rate)
    2020-12-24 21:19:05下载
  • qiuseng_V1.1
    计算多重分形非趋势波动分析,高斯白噪声的生成程序,三相光伏逆变并网的仿真。( Calculate the multifractal trend fluctuation analysis, Gaussian white noise generator, Three-phase photovoltaic inverter and network simulation.)
    2017-01-12 17:08:33下载
  • 101259378luv_rgb_yuv_lab_space_convert(2)
    Convert a color image between color representations. B = COLORSPACE(S,A) converts the color representation of image A where S is a string specifying the conversion. S tells the source and destination color spaces, S = dest<-src , or alternatively, S = src->dest . Supported color spaces are RGB R G B Red Green Blue (ITU-R BT.709 gamma-corrected) YPbPr Luma (ITU-R BT.601) + Chroma YCbCr / YCC Luma + Chroma ("digitized" version of Y PbPr) YUV NTSC PAL Y UV Luma + Chroma YIQ NTSC Y IQ Luma + Chroma YDbDr SECAM Y DbDr Luma + Chroma JPEGYCbCr JPEG-Y CbCr Luma + Chroma HSV / HSB Hue Saturation Value/Brightness HSL / HLS / HSI Hue Saturation Luminance/Intensity XYZ CIE XYZ Lab CIE L*a*b* (CIELAB) Luv CIE L*u*v* (CIELUV) Lch CIE L*ch (CIELCH)(Convert a color image between color representations. B = COLORSPACE (S, A) converts the color representation of image A where S is a string specifying the conversion. S tells the source and destination color spaces, S = ' dest <-src' , or alternatively, S = ' src-> dest' . Supported color spaces are ' RGB' R' G' B ' Red Green Blue (ITU-R BT.709 gamma-corrected)' YPbPr ' Luma (ITU-R BT.601 )+ Chroma ' YCbCr' /' YCC' Luma+ Chroma ( " digitized" version of Y' PbPr) ' YUV' NTSC PAL Y' UV Luma+ Chroma ' YIQ' NTSC Y' IQ Luma+ Chroma ' YDbDr' SECAM Y ' DbDr Luma+ Chroma ' JPEGYCbCr' JPEG-Y' CbCr Luma+ Chroma ' HSV' /' HSB' Hue Saturation Value/Brightness' HSL ' /' HLS ' /' HSI ' Hue Saturation Luminance/Intensity' XYZ ' CIE XYZ' Lab ' CIE L* a* b* (CIELAB)' Luv ' CIE L* u* v* (CIELUV)' Lch ' CIE L* ch (CIE)
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    说明:  分析亥姆霍兹线圈轴线磁场分布现象的数学模型基础上, 运用MATLAB对亥姆霍兹线圈轴线磁场均匀分布进行验证及仿真的方法。(Axis Helmholtz coil magnetic field distribution of the mathematical model of the phenomenon, based on the use of MATLAB on the axis of the Helmholtz coil magnetic field uniform method of verification and simulation.)
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