- 2009-12-12 12:28:44下载
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读取wav文件,画出其时间-幅值图和做傅立叶变换(read documents paint their time-amplitude map and do Fourier Transform)
- 2007-05-18 20:54:58下载
- 积分:1
介绍一个稳健性分析工具箱。主要做稳健性主成分、主成分回归、分类。(Our toolbox currently contains implementations of robust
methods for location and scale estimation, covariance estimation (FAST-MCD), regression (FAST-LTS, MCD-regression), principal
component analysis (RAPCA, ROBPCA), principal component regression (RPCR), partial least squares (RSIMPLS) and classification
(RDA). Only a few of these methods will be highlighted in this paper. The toolbox also provides many graphical tools to detect and classify
the outliers. The use of these features will be explained and demonstrated through the analysis of some real data sets.)
- 2013-10-18 15:41:39下载
- 积分:1
Image denoising by wavelet analysis
- 2014-10-20 18:57:25下载
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matlab基于神经网络,能够较好的实现,作预测的matlab程序,BP神经网络算法的matlab代训练好的网络文件预测新的数据文件,得到均方误差,并画出预测数据和原数据的对比图(MATLAB-based neural net)
- 2013-05-24 10:39:55下载
- 积分:1
matlab 编程 教材 国外电子类学科matlab编程入门指南,英文影印版(matlab programming electronics disciplines teaching abroad matlab Programming Guide, English version of a photocopy)
- 2008-04-18 12:39:20下载
- 积分:1
这是我能找到的最好的GMT,对于一个初学者最好不过.(This is what I can find the best linux commands, for a beginner the better.)
- 2009-11-25 11:06:58下载
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说明: 傅里叶变换能将满足一定条件的某个函数表示成三角函数(正弦和/或余弦函数)或者它们的积分的线性组合。利用傅里叶变换可对语音信号消噪。(ourier transform to meet certain conditions can be expressed as a function of trigonometric functions (sine and/or cosine functions), or their integral linear combination. Fourier transform to denoising the speech signal.)
- 2010-04-21 17:42:29下载
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高斯白噪声的生成程序,采用了小波去噪的思想,小波包分析提取振动信号中的特征频率。( Gaussian white noise generator, Using wavelet denoising thought, Wavelet packet analysis to extract vibration signal characteristic frequency.)
- 2017-01-04 15:53:50下载
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matlab 与数值分析 是外文版的译著写得很好很多 很多程序的原理和方法(and numerical analysis matlab version of the translation of foreign languages was very well written with many of the principles and methods of procedure)
- 2009-06-07 07:42:34下载
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