编写matlab的gui函数进行处理的代码,基本上包括处理里面的最基本处理,比如读取文件,几何变换中的垂直镜像,平移,旋转,缩放;正交变换的DFT,FFT,QdNXwK,DWashT;灰度处理中的反色,直方图均衡,全局线性变换,分段线性变换,指数非线性变换,对数非线性变换;增强里面的加噪声,hcTofgR方法,锐化,伪彩色增强;分割里面的灰度阈值法,调试可以运行的。 (Write the gui matlab image processing function code, basically including the most basic image processing inside the process, such as reading the file, the geometric transformation of the vertical mirroring, translation, rotation, scaling orthogonal transformation DFT, FFT, QdNXwK , DWashT anti-gray color processing, histogram equalization, global linear transformation, piecewise linear transformation, a nonlinear transformation index, the number of non-linear transform image enhancement which increases the noise,hcTofgR method, sharpening, pseudo-color enhancement image segmentation inside the gray threshold, debugging can run. )