使用于智能学校,大学,教育部门的网站模板。全站内容全面,设计合理,学校的校标和名字映衬在以校园为背景的图片上,立意新颖。站内细节化的设计还体现在各地的天气预报和成绩查询,大大的方便了师生和家长的出行,和通过其他渠道成绩查询的繁琐步骤。名师风采和发展规划方便学生和家长对学校近一步的了解。远程辅导可以让师生足不出户解决学习上困惑,招生信息和在线报名一线的设计是对考生最贴心化的设计,真正做到人性化建站。 适用于:大学、教育部门等门户网站(Website templates used in smart schools, universities, and educational sectors. The total content of a comprehensive, reasonable design, the school standard and the name of the campus as against the background of the picture, novel. Station details of the design is also reflected in the weather forecast and the results of the query, greatly facilitate the teachers and students and parents to travel, and through other channels of the tedious steps to query. Teacher elegant style and development planning to facilitate students and parents to learn about the school near. Remote counseling can let the students stay at home to solve learning design puzzles, enrollment information and online registration of candidates line is the most intimate of the design, truly personalized website. Applies to: University, education department and other portals)