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于 2014-07-17 发布 文件大小:120KB
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  在VS 2010 环境下,通过自绘窗口,做出类似百叶窗的展开和收缩的效果,并实现清理痕迹的功能(当然清理功能不是很强,需要改进)(In VS 2010 environment, through self-painted window, made ​ ​ a similar expansion and contraction effect blinds, and to achieve clean up traces of the functions (of course clean-up function is not very strong, needs improvement))



0 个回复

  • spirialMFC
    本例通过绘制螺旋图案描述了如何用VC++绘制MFC图形程序。适合学习MFC图形编程的初学者学习。(cases by mapping the spiral patterns described how MFC with VC graphics rendering procedures. MFC for learning graphical programming beginners learning.)
    2007-05-04 16:24:47下载
  • tee-Chart-Controls-information
    tee chart控件很好的资料,里面有两个有用的word的文档,不仅接收简单的用法,还有具体的操作;还有一个是很具体的例子,很好的,共初学者很好(tee Chart Controls good information, there are two useful Word document, not only receive simple usage, as well as the specific operation there is a very specific example of good, a total beginner)
    2013-05-13 18:12:10下载
  • drawwindow_src
    应用程序向导已为您创建了这个 DrawWindow 应用程序。(Application Wizard has been created for you this DrawWindow application.)
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  • cxocode
    Bar code generator, such as type of bar code can be generated. No other controls, demo,
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  • WinEditor
    最近做了一个类似Windows画图板的小程序,拿来和大家分享一下。功能和界面全部模仿于Windows自带的画图板,界面如截图。功能主要有: 手绘线、简单图形、文字输入、图块拖放、重复撤销、画面缩放、打开保存图片文件,另外为了直接从数据库或者XML中存取图片,另外还提供了从Base64编码存取图片的接口,其他还实现了和画图板同样效果的工具箱及颜料盒。(Recently to do a similar drawing board a small Windows program, use and share with you. Features and interfaces in Windows, bringing all to imitate the drawing board, such as interface screenshot. The main features include: hand-painted lines, simple graphics, text input, drag and drop block, duplicate revoked, screen zoom, open the Save picture files, the other in order to directly from the database or XML access picture also provides a survival from the Base64 encoding Photos from the interface, the other also drawing board and achieve the same effect toolbox and paint boxes.)
    2009-03-17 11:51:59下载
  • MFC
    包含一系列MAC学习ppt,对MFC做出了全面的讲解(Contains a range of MAC learning ppt, made a comprehensive presentation on MFC)
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  • Documents
    VC++/MFC project that helps learning paint.
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  • src
    说明:  Visual basic opengl implementation in RSA
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  • grid wnd
    一个用VC++6.0编写的表格控件,类似于Excell的表格控件。(a VC 6.0 forms prepared by the control, similar to the Excel tables controls.)
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