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  telnet 工具 解决windows 7下无telnet命令问题(telnet tools)



0 个回复

  • CSO_source_code
    CSO source code for protein complex prediction in large PPI networks
    2016-03-18 09:25:30下载
  • 123
    自动骂人小软件 听好玩的 适合各种平台(Auto curse small software fun to listen to for a variety of platforms)
    2016-03-09 10:25:19下载
    生态部落专业粮情组态测控系统,给全世界的粮储工作带来了新的生机,新型的数字 化全方位粮情组态测控系统摒弃了传统的模拟方式,是粮食监测行业的一种创新革命的成 果。整套系统具有组网能力强,操作简单,安装简单、投资成本低、监测直观并且精度高, 能够实时实现视频、温度、湿度的监测、分析、显示、报警、控制、历史查询,报表打印等。 生态部落粮情组态测控系统是利用组态软件以及信息数字技术来实现粮食储藏过程中 对粮情变化的实时监测、对监测数据进行分析与控制、对异常粮情告警提示,提出处理建议 和自动控制等的系统。它可以为科学及安全储粮提供技术保证和科学依据。 粮情组态测控 硬件系统是通过电源电缆、通讯电缆、交换机、路由器将测控平台服务器、测控主机、测控 分机、测温电缆及湿度传感器及高清网络视频传感器等连结起来构成的。 生态部落粮情组 态测控软件系统按系统功能又大致可划分为:粮情监测、粮情分析与粮情控制三部分。(Ecological professional grain condition measurement and control system configuration tribe, grain storage to work around the world has brought new vitality, new digital full-grain situation measuring and controlling system configuration abandon the traditional analog mode, monitoring is an innovative food industry outcome of our revolution. The entire system with networking capability, simple operation, easy installation, low investment costs, monitoring and intuitive high precision, real-time video, temperature and humidity monitoring, analysis, display, alarm, control, historical inquiry, report printing. Ecological tribal grain condition measurement and control system configuration and software configuration information using digital technology to achieve real-time monitoring of food during storage of the grain situation changes, the monitoring data analysis and control, alarm notification of abnormal grain situation, and recommending treatment automatic control system. It can prov)
    2016-07-30 16:18:50下载
  • 枚举系统中所有进,及他们的所有网络连接
    枚举系统中所有进程,及他们的所有网络连接-Enumerate all the processes and all of their network connections
    2022-03-21 09:19:26下载
  • 137212
    光速服务器读数据库内容源码,程序结合易语言模块光速服务器.ec,启动服务器,实现数据库的读写操作。(Lightspeed server reads the contents of the source code, the program combines easy language module Lightspeed server .ec, start the server, read and write operations .)
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  • foursatvisitposition
    matlab与stk的联合仿真的二次开发,这写的是四颗卫星访问地面站的例子,有兴趣可以来看一看,我们一起研究。(The second development of the joint simulation of MATLAB and stk, which is an example of four satellites visiting ground stations, is interesting to see, we will study together.)
    2019-05-10 11:09:05下载
  • suboptimal_power_allocation
    本文研究OFDM中最佳比特分配,试图在有限功率内达到传输比特最大化(This paper investigates subcarrier and power allocation in multiuser OFDM. The aim is to maximize the overall rate while achieving proportional fairness amongst users under a total power constraint.)
    2009-07-11 12:55:28下载
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  • VCBladedDLL
    Balded 软件调用的用户控制器的DLL编程方法。(How to progran DLL with VC++ which is used by Bladed Wind Turbine Simulation Software)
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