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  LABVIEW 表格中可输入颜色框_下拉框_选择框(Labview custom grid vi)


TypeSens Popup
..............\Demo with Dynamic Data Types.vi,105528,2007-08-27
..............\.......\TSPopup.Breakout Controls to Register.vi,28060,2007-08-13
..............\.......\TSPopup.Create Search Names.vi,31092,2007-08-27
..............\.......\TSPopup.Event Enum.ctl,11932,2007-08-20
..............\.......\TSPopup.Get Control Value.vi,47536,2007-08-27
..............\.......\TSPopup.Init Controls.vi,27360,2007-08-27
..............\.......\TSPopup.Make Popup Visible.vi,125552,2007-08-27
..............\.......\TSPopup.Monitor Events.vi,94532,2007-08-20
..............\.......\TSPopup.Monitor Register Data.ctl,15760,2007-08-20
..............\.......\TSPopup.Point to Row Col.vi,74908,2007-08-27
..............\.......\TSPopup.Popup Operation.ctl,11732,2007-08-13
..............\.......\TSPopup.Popup Results.ctl,12620,2007-08-13
..............\.......\TSPopup.Position Cluster.vi,41232,2007-08-27
..............\.......\TSPopup.Set Font Size.vi,31908,2007-08-27
..............\.......\TSPopup.String to Variant Value.vi,59296,2007-08-27
..............\TSPopup.Data Type.ctl,11568,2007-08-13
..............\TSPopup.Demo Registration.vi,54072,2007-08-27
..............\TSPopup.Grid.Cell Info.ctl,19968,2007-08-13
..............\TSPopup.Popup Call Parameters.ctl,20244,2007-08-13
..............\TSPopup.Popup Cluster.ctl,27752,2007-08-13
..............\TSPopup.Show Popup.vi,35660,2007-08-27
..............\TSPopup.Update Cell String.vi,65828,2007-08-27



0 个回复

  • LabVIEW_Guide
    Labview的详细开发指南,包括:双精度数据不适于相等比较(内置函数);顺序结构是“结构”吗?;到底什么是“节点”;XY GRAPH的输入参数形式 ;整型数据类型和内存映射;状态机的基本概念 ;状态机的基本类型顺序结构 ;状态机的基本类型之标准状态机 ;事件结构中的TIMEOUT进行数据采集合适吗 ;全局变量、移位寄存器和功能型全局变量的性能比较等。(Labview detailed development guidelines, including: double precision data is not suitable for equality comparison (built-in function) sequential structure is " structural" it? In the end what is " node" input parameters of the form XY GRAPH integer data types and memory mapping basic concept of the state machine basic types of sequential structure of the state machine basic types of state machine standard state machine event structure The TIMEOUT data collection suitable for you global variables, shift registers and functional performance comparison of global variables and so on.)
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    本文在LabVIEW和NI-IMAQ Vision软件平台下,利用通用图像采集卡开发一种图像实时采集处理虚拟仪器系统。通过调用动态链接库驱动通用图像采集卡完成图像采集,采集图像的帧速率达到25帧每秒。利用NI-IMAQ Vision视频处理模块,进行图像处理,以完成光电探测器的标定。该系统具有灵活性强、可靠性高、性价比高等优点。(In LabVIEW and NI-IMAQ Vision software platform, the use of a common frame grabber to develop a real time image acquisition and processing the virtual instrument system. Drive general-purpose image acquisition card by calling the dynamic link library complete image acquisition, the acquisition of the image frame rate up to 25 per second. NI-IMAQ Vision video processing module, image processing, in order to complete the calibration of the photodetector. The system has the flexibility, high reliability, high cost.)
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