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于 2014-07-02 发布 文件大小:272KB
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  VC++网络连接监控程序源代码,适合编写网络监控的编程者参考,选择监听的网络IP地址后才可以开始监听里程。并包括了IDS过滤器参数设置,几点提示:   1.初始状态只监听连接,不捕获IP数据   2.鼠标右击列表选择或取消监控某端口数据   3.为防止ping攻击,一般情况ping数据全部监控   4.监控某端口数据时,不监控ping包   5.数据超过20k将被清空   6.右边窗口停止抓包后显示十六进制数(VC++ source code network connection monitoring, network monitoring program for the preparation of reference, select the monitor s network IP address before you can start listening mileage. And includes IDS filter parameter settings, a few tips: 1. Initial state only listen for connections, do not capture IP data 2 Right-click the list to select or deselect a port monitoring data 3 To prevent ping attacks, general ping all monitoring data 4 When a port monitoring data, no monitoring of ping packets 5 The data will be cleared over 20k 6 right window displays the hexadecimal number stopped after capture)



0 个回复

  • syn
    SYN Flood是当前最盛行的DoS(拒尽服务进攻)与DDoS(散布式拒尽服务进攻)的方法之一,这是一种利用TCP协议缺点,发送大批伪造的TCP连接请求,从而使得被进攻方资源耗尽(CPU满负荷或内存不足)的进攻方法。(SYN Flood is one of the most popular DoS (refuse to do service attack) and DDoS (Distributed refuse to do service attack), which is a Use the TCP protocol shortcomings, sending a large number of forged TCP connection requests, making the offensive resource exhaustion (CPU full load or memory) Offensive....)
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