呼叫中心是IP-PBX技术与传统呼叫中心的完美融合,企业无需自己购买服务器,即可拥有专业的呼叫中心服务。它将座席分配给位于不同地点的不同企业使用,集呼叫中心、电话营销、客户关系管理、销售任务管理、短信、传真等功能于一体,为现代化企业量身打造的综合通信服务平台。(Call center is IP-PBX technology and the perfect fusion of traditional call center, companies do not need to buy their own servers, you can have a professional call center service. It will seat assigned to different enterprises located in different places to use, set the call center, telephone marketing, customer relationship management, task management, SMS, fax marketing and other functions in one, integrated communication service platform for modern enterprises tailored.)