首页 » Others » 认知无线电中采用遗传算法的频谱分配的公平性仿真实验


于 2014-06-11 发布 文件大小:9KB
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  认知无线电中采用遗传算法的频谱分配的公平性仿真实验(Fairness simulation using cognitive radio spectrum allocation Genetic Algorithm)





0 个回复

  • adistortedimagerectificationalgorithmbasedonleasts
    针对高精度的畸变图像,提出了一种基于最小二乘影像匹配的高精度畸变图像矫正算 法. 算法首先利用特征提取与边缘检测对图像进行预处理,并且将特征匹配与最小二乘算法相 结合,从而实现了图像与模板之间精确的子像素定位与匹配. 实验表明,该算法较好的解决了目前高精度畸变图像矫正算法中普遍存在的定位和匹配精度较差的缺陷,图像矫正效果良好,是一种有效的畸变图像矫正算法.(Image distortion for high-precision, a least-squares image matching based on high-precision image distortion correction algorithm. First of all, the use of feature extraction algorithm for edge detection and image pre-processing, and will feature matching with a combination of least-squares algorithm in order to achieve the image and the template between the sub-pixel accurate positioning and matching. The experimental results show that the algorithm has better accuracy of the solution to the current distortion prevalent image correction algorithm to match the accuracy of the positioning and less defects, image correction effect well, is an effective algorithm to correct image distortion.)
    2009-04-20 19:05:54下载
  • jindian
    说明:  兔子问题 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21....(fgkhg)
    2010-03-18 16:14:38下载
  • GUI and Simulink
    该实例主要功能: 1、演示了GUI界面的布局和效果; 2、演示了togglebutton、pushbutton对simulink模块参数的设置方法; 3、演示了Edit text 和slider的联合使用,及利用edit text 和slider 对simulink 参数的动态修改; 4、演示了simulink参数在GUI上的显示和更显; 5、语句进行了注释,为便于编译没用中文(The main functions of this example are: 1. The layout and effect of the GUI interface are demonstrated. 2, demonstrates the method of setting parameters of Simulink module by togglebutton and pushbutton. 3, demonstrates the joint use of Edit text and slider, and dynamically modifies Simulink parameters using edit text and slider. 4, demonstrates the display and display of Simulink parameters on GUI. 5. Sentences are annotated for easy compilation without Chinese.)
    2020-12-03 09:49:25下载
  • genzong
    本论文对跟踪闭环系统进行了设计,主要应用的是Matlab中的仿真构件,可以很好的跟踪目标,而且在其中对闭环系统进行了详细介绍,涉及到了卡尔曼滤波(The thesis of the closed-loop system was designed to track the main application is the simulation of Matlab component, can be a good target tracking, but also on the closed-loop system in which a detailed introduction on to the Kalman filter)
    2010-05-22 14:52:37下载
  • DiffractionGratingNew
    2012-01-31 02:39:50下载
  • HausDorffDimension
    Hausdorff dimension matlab code
    2015-10-01 13:17:09下载
  • a
    说明:  缴费点选址问题,是数模中的热点,可以通过对最短路程、居民满意度、排队等待时间综合考虑,得到较为全面合理的结果(Payment point location problem is one of several modes in the hot, can by the shortest distance, residents satisfaction, waiting time into account, to be more comprehensive and rational results)
    2011-06-26 15:30:59下载
  • radar-matlab-
    是关于雷达系统的代码,主要用于构建基本雷达系统并通过该程序生成的仿真结果进行操作(Code on the radar system, mainly used to build a basic radar system and the simulation results generated by the program to operate)
    2012-06-14 08:29:27下载
  • Triangle
    用matlab写的,在一堆网格点上进行三角化,mycrust为主程序(Using matlab written on a pile of grid points to triangulate)
    2014-08-28 08:54:07下载
  • work
    用于解三对角方程的追赶法源代码,MATLAB编写,高斯列主元解线性方程组代码(Solution of tridiagonal equations for the pursuit method source code, MATLAB prepared)
    2010-06-04 23:06:36下载
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