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于 2014-06-04 发布 文件大小:69KB
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  变压器经济运行分析软件,基于matlab的 GUI界面,填入变压器参数,运行即得到运行曲线和标注的最经济运行点。(Economic performance analysis of transformer)





0 个回复

  • nmr
    Low-Field NMR toolbox,处理NMR数据的Matlab工具箱,可以用于拟合、相位校正等。(Imports and prepares fluorometric data the PE-FLDM for use in MATLAB, e.g., The N-way Toolbox for MATLAB. Low-field NMR toolbox (Version 3.0 including simplified use by Power-SLICING))
    2014-10-24 17:32:39下载
  • PCA_based Face Recognition System
    Eigenface core matlab code
    2017-12-11 19:30:37下载
  • inpainting
    image inpainting (CS7495 Final Project Sooraj Bhat Object Removal by Exemplar-based Inpainting USING THE CODE Everything was done in Matlab and MEX (i.e. a C function callable from Matlab). First, the C code needs to be compiled. At the Matlab prompt, type: mex bestexemplarhelper.c You should then be able to run the following (which takes ~2mins on my 2GHz Pentium 4 laptop with 256MB of RAM): [i1,i2,i3,c,d,mov] = inpaint( bungee0.png , bungee1.png ,[0 255 0]) A smaller run (~25 seconds) would be: [i1,i2,i3,c,d,mov] = inpaint( bw0.png , bw2.png ,[0 255 0]) To visualize: plotall close movie(mov) SAMPLE IMAGES & RESULTS *0.png The original images ( bw and bungee ) *{1,2}.png The different fill region masks. *P2.png Plots of confidence and data terms. *P5.png Plots of original, fill region, inpainted images and confidence and data terms. Other images in the dir contain redundant information. I di)
    2010-06-19 21:00:49下载
  • plotSmithChart
    smith chart for matlab
    2008-01-18 18:49:19下载
  • D
    说明:  绕线式异步电动机带负荷启动,其转子串联电阻分级投切(Wound rotor induction motor with a load start, its rotor graded series resistance switching)
    2013-08-20 21:13:23下载
  • FEM_2Dor3D_modeshapes.m
    FEM analysis of mode shape
    2011-12-10 08:30:33下载
  • SignalProcess
    C 程序 球面方位角算法: azimuth.cpp CRC校验快速算法: CRC_Table.cpp 解扰码算法: scrambler.cpp Matlab 程序 信号带宽测量: BandWith.m 带通信号下变频: fqmv.m QPSK 解调 demodQpsk.m pwelch求功率谱的算法 psdwh.m 均值滤波算法 cvmn.m 信号正交分解: Cnv2Bas.m(C procedures spherical azimuth algorithm: azimuth.cppCRC Fast Algorithm checksum: CRC_Table.cpp Descrambling code algorithm: scrambler.cpp Matlab signal bandwidth measurement procedures: BandWith.m bandpass signal down-conversion: fqmv.mQPSK demodulator for demodQpsk.mpwelch power spectrum algorithm psdwh.m mean signal filtering algorithm cvmn.m orthogonal decomposition: Cnv2Bas.m)
    2008-06-28 23:19:41下载
  • guangfubingwangyuyouyuanlvbo
    具体介绍了光伏并网与有源滤波控制原理,以及控制流程,论文结果非常具有代表性,具有较高的参考价值(Specific photovoltaic (pv) grid and active filter control principle are introduced, and control process, the paper the results is very representative, has the high reference value)
    2014-11-08 22:14:02下载
  • Movieball
    单摆的MATLAB仿真程序源代码,结果会输出单摆摆动画面。(Pendulum MATLAB simulation program source code, the result will be output pendulum swing screen.)
    2013-04-30 13:35:54下载
  • Chap5-Linear
    Chapter 5 - Linearization
    2015-03-03 09:11:02下载
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