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于 2014-05-30 发布 文件大小:181KB
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  遗传算法tsp问题 针对题目中物流配送路径优化问题,本文引入0-1规划思想,建立了带约束条件的物流配送问题的数学模型。求解时,引入遗传算法的编码方式,并针对分区数与客户数量相差较小的情况,灵活运用分区配送算法确定包含最优解的分区序列组,紧密结合枚举法使得其算法兼顾简单、快速的优点。应用Matlab软件可执行得到最短路径。兼顾时间因素导致的复杂影响,我们引入了惩罚函数,并通过设定惩罚系数,进一步由最短路径求得最优路径。(Genetic algorithm tsp problem of logistics distribution routing optimization problem subject, this paper introduces 0-1 programming ideas, a mathematical model with the constraints of logistics and distribution problems. Solving, introducing genetic algorithm encoding, and the number of partitions and the number of customers for a small difference, the flexible use of the partition containing the partition algorithm to determine the distribution of the optimal solution sequence group, closely enumeration method allows both the algorithm is simple, fast advantages. Matlab software application executable to get the shortest path. Complex factors affecting both the time, we introduce a penalty function, and by setting the penalty coefficient, and further obtain the optimal path from the shortest path.)


A题 王政



0 个回复

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