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于 2014-05-26 发布 文件大小:326KB
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  局部二进制模式,LBP,是已被用于纹理特征的一个 分类。在本文中,提出了一种基于使用这些功能的方法 检测缺陷图案的面料。在培训阶段,在第一个步骤LBP算子是 施加到无缺陷织物样品,逐个象素和参考的所有的行(列) 特征矢量的计算。那么这个图像被分为Windows和LBP算子是 应用这些窗口的每一行(列)。根据与参考比较 特征向量一个合适的阈值,无缺陷的窗户被发现。在检测阶段中,一个 测试图像被划分成的窗户,并使用阈值时,有缺陷的窗口可以 检测到。该方法简单,灰度不变。由于其简单性, 线上实现是可能的。(Local Binary Patterns, LBP, is one of the features which has been used for texture classification. In this paper, a method based on using these features is proposed for detecting defects in patterned fabrics. In the training stage, at first step LBP operator is applied to all rows (columns) of a defect free fabric sample, pixel by pixel, and the reference feature vector is computed. Then this image is divided into windows and LBP operator is applied to each row (column) of these windows. Based on comparison with the reference feature vector a suitable threshold for defect free windows is found. In the detection stage, a test image is divided into windows and using the threshold, defective windows can be detected. The proposed method is simple and gray scale invariant. Because of its simplicity, online implementation is possible as well. )


Defect Detection in Patterned Fabrics Using Modified Local Binary Patterns .pdf,424953,2014-05-14



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