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于 2021-04-03 发布 文件大小:7931KB
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  DataScope 串口虚拟示波器 一款非常不错 串口调试软件 具有多个串口通道 同时传送多个数据


DataScope 串口虚拟示波器v1_0
............................\Hash Calculator



0 个回复

  • Components
    zigbee无线定位系统的相关程序代码。很有用 都有相关解释(zigbee location code)
    2021-03-09 21:59:27下载
  • SensorLine
    利用 USB2I2C开发板和软件实现了对CMOS图像传感器的在线调试。该系统运行稳定,体积小,外围电路简单,可灵活应用于多种CMOS图像传感器在线调试的场合以进行图像质量调整。本系统在调试过程中能生成调试log文件和寄存器配置文件。调试log文件记录调试过程中寄存器更改过程,可方便追踪、查看调试过程;寄存器配置文件保存最终调试结果,方便用户进一步的应用。(Use USB2I2C development board and software realization of the CMOS image sensor circuit debugging. The system is stable, small, simple external circuit can be flexibly applied to a variety of CMOS image sensors in-circuit debugger occasion for image quality adjustment. The system can generate in the debugging process debugging log file and registers the configuration file. Debug log file records the process of debugging registers the change process, can be easily tracked, view the debugging process register configuration file to save the final result debugging, user-friendly application further.)
    2014-04-04 16:13:07下载
  • MP3
    DIYMP3,能智能播放,很好的运用了STM32系统相关知识,花费了我将近半年的努力,基本上包含了STM32所有功能的应用。(DIYMP3, play to intelligence, very good use of the STM32 system related knowledge, it took me about half effort, basically contains all STM32 function application.)
    2013-07-31 15:52:24下载
  • connection-two-methods
    connection的两种连通域方法,上传上去大家应该能看懂的,我从基础学的是能够看得懂,不懂得翻下书(The connection of the two methods of connected domain, uploaded you should be able to understand, I the foundation to learn is to be able to read, not understand through books)
    2016-03-09 17:19:33下载
  • hal timer 32k
    可以用指令控制选择信道,设置发射功率,发送数据包(长度可选),接收数据包(接收时延可设),CC2430复位,内部温度传感器读取,定时器时长控制。底层函数基本做好,如果要加入新功能,可自行更改。(You can select the channel with the command control, set the transmit power, transmit data packet (lengths), receive data packets (receiver delay can be set), CC2430 reset, the internal temperature sensor reading, the timer duration control. Basic underlying function well, if you want to add new features to make changes.)
    2011-06-22 18:57:46下载
  • Wind_pitch_control
    PSCAD风机(异步机带桨距角控制)经过0.69kV-13.8kV-115kV-345kV三级升压,远距离电缆并入主网模型(PSCAD wind )
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  • C8051F12x_13x
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  • sdfghjk
    基于正点原子stm32的频谱 a1读取ad信号显示(Punctuality atomic spectrum based stm32 a1 read signal display ad)
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