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于 2015-08-04 发布 文件大小:14KB
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  VC++矩阵运算类,提供各类矩阵运算的算法,是一个很不错的运算类(VC++ matrix operations class, provide all kinds of matrix operation algorithm, is a very good algorithm )



0 个回复

  • measurepos
    根据《机器视觉算法与应用》编写的一维卡尺测量和直线拟合算法,欢迎大家交流学习。(According to "machine vision algorithm and application" prepared one-dimensional caliper measurement and straight line fitting algorithm, welcome to exchange learning)
    2017-10-14 07:12:26下载
  • LED-horse-race-lamp
    51单片机跑马灯程序,左右跑马灯,用于熟悉51单片机的初级程序。(LED horse race lamp)
    2013-05-25 22:01:31下载
  • TpWindbg
    TP保护在游戏在虚拟机vmware下无法进行双机调试,通过inline hook过掉双机调试保护,适合在WIN7环境下,开启前先加载驱动程序,然后打开TP游戏,在WINDBG下运行两次G后,能成功对TP驱动进行调试(Pass TP driver about windbg in vmware in win7 os)
    2016-03-13 14:28:38下载
  • ADO控制ACCESS数据库
    说明:  直接使用ADO操作ACCESS数据库,对于初学者来说是个不错的例子,类似的也可以操作SQL,ORACLE数据库(不用DSN)(use ADO directly ACCESS database operation for beginners is a good example of a similar operation could SQL, Oracle database (not DSN))
    2005-11-21 16:11:07下载
  • CADInnovate12.23.1
    Acis R15,hoops/mfc 12.0, xt12.0 写的一个 图形绘制软件的框架。Vc 2003 平台。 有基本的基于上面所述的组件组成的3D造型的演示。(Acis R15, hoops/mfc 12.0, xt12.0 to write a graphics rendering software framework. Vc 2003 platform. Based on the above basic components described in the presentation of 3D modeling.)
    2008-12-28 01:03:39下载
  • CDROMControl
    vc 程序可以实现关盘时的刻录程序。。。绝对能用!赶紧下载吧(vc program can be closed when the disc burning program. . . Absolutely can! Quickly download it)
    2011-08-18 09:33:43下载
  • VideoMonitorSystem
    基于网络的视频监控系统 随着时代的发展,人们对安全防范也越来越重视,而数字化视频监控系统在音视频录像、报警录像联动、硬盘存储、多画面显示等方面都有突出表现,因此在安防领域逐渐占有了一席之地。本文提出的基于网络的视频监控系统实现了对数字硬盘录像机的控制功能,其远程客户端软件可以同时播放四路具有高达Dl分辨率的图像数据。 第一章论述了视频监控系统和数据压缩技术的发展动态。 第二章对客户端软件的开发环境及平台进行了选择,并就其中使用的关键技术:windows sockets编程技术、windows多线程技术、windows图像显示技术、MPEG-4编解码与数据传术技术、流媒体技术做了简介。 第三章详细论述了客户端软件的设计及实现。包括客户端软件的整体设计和各模块的设计实现,最后给出了实现结果。 第四章是论述了实时流媒体播放器的设计和实现,包括主要模块设计实现 (网络接收模块、解码模块、显示模块、操作控制模块)、其他模块设计实现(显卡能力探测模块、表面管理模块)、性能优化(缓冲、共享内存、线程模型)。 第五章对系统进行了总结,并为系统进一步发展提出了展望和规划。 (network-based video surveillance system with the development of the times, people are increasingly security attention, and Digital Video Surveillance System in video and audio video, police video linkage, hard disk storage, Multi-screen display, and other aspects outstanding performance in the field gradually Security occupies a place. This paper presents the network-based video surveillance system for the digital disk video recorder to the control function, its remote client software can be broadcast simultaneously Four Dl with high-resolution image data. The first chapter of the video monitoring system and data compression technology developments. Chapter II of the client software development environment and platform choices, and the use of the key technologies : Programming windows sock)
    2007-04-04 10:57:21下载
  • CMFECToolTip
    浮动鼠标提示信息 添加类CMFECToolTip 实现:鼠标移动到一个控件上时,会弹出一个提示框 (Floating the mouse message Add Class CMFECToolTip implementation: a control mouse, it will pop up a prompt box)
    2010-10-08 09:18:55下载
  • mfcping
    说明:  这是非常好的关于网络编程的例子,实现了ping程序,对于学习网络编程的人员来说是非常难得的材料。(It is a very good example of programming on the network to achieve the ping process, for learning network programming staff is very rare material.)
    2008-10-07 13:19:18下载
  • linjiequ
    使用类编程实现临界区,VC++网络编程,使用VC6.0编译器实现(Use class programming critical, VC++ network programming, using VC6.0 compiler implements)
    2013-07-14 22:29:26下载
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