(Basedonminimumentropydeconvolution(]8+83)36+D*(A4Q20(+W(-)D8(+,]6Q)'sfaultfeatureextractionmethod:using/Xmodeltoremovetheuncertaintygeneratedsignalgearonthebasisoftheretentionsignalminimumentropydeconvolution,andenhancetheimpactofsignal"Thismethodavoidstheproblemsoftraditionalbearingfaultdiagnosismethodofthebandpassfilterdesign,realvehicletestshowedthat:comparedwiththeresonancedemodulationtechnology,whichfaultfeatureextractionmethodismoreobvious,moresuitableforengineeringapplications.") - IMDN开发者社群-imdn.cn">
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于 2020-12-04 发布 文件大小:3KB
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  一种基于最小熵反褶积( ]8+83)3 6+D*(A4 Q20(+W(-)D8(+,]6Q) 的滚动轴承故障特征提取方法: 在利用 /X 模型去除齿轮啮合产生的确定性信号的基础上,对保留信号进行最小熵反褶积,增强冲击信号"该方法避免了传统轴承故障诊断方法中带通滤波器设计的难题,实车测试表明: 与共振解调技术相比,该方法提取的滚动轴承故障特征更加明显,更适合于工程应用"(Based on minimum entropy deconvolution (] 8+83) 3 6+D* (A4 Q20 (+W (-) D8 (+,] 6Q)' s fault feature extraction method: using/X model to remove the uncertainty generated signal gear on the basis of the retention signal minimum entropy deconvolution, and enhance the impact of signal " This method avoids the problems of traditional bearing fault diagnosis method of the bandpass filter design, real vehicle test showed that: compared with the resonance demodulation technology, which fault feature extraction method is more obvious, more suitable for engineering applications. " )





0 个回复

  • sanbeipin002
    此例程用于求任意信号的1/3倍程频谱,是我毕业设计中的一个小小的部分,经验证算法正确.(This routine used for arbitrary signals 1/3 times the range of spectrum, is my graduation project in a small part of the experience of the correct card algorithm.)
    2007-09-27 11:01:39下载
  • readGroundTruth_main
    It is a C code , also can be used in Matlab. It will help you in detection of people going through a infra red image.
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  • shili97
    制作运用共轭梯度法解线性方程组的用户界面 (Making use of conjugate gradient method to solve linear equations of the user interface )
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