其实如果是单纯的下载网页,代码可以更简单,但俺这段代码不仅可以下载WEB页面,同时还可以向WEB页传递参数,完全可以替换XMLHTTP的GET功能,俺本来还想加上POST功能的,后来项目中不需要,所以就没加了,想了解WININET API的朋友,应该依此作一些扩展。(In fact, if a simple download page, the code can be more simple, but I can not download this code WEB page, but you can also pass parameters to the WEB page, can replace the XMLHTTP GET function, I had wanted to add functionality POST , then the project does not need, so I can not add, and want to know WININET API friends, so it should make some extensions.)