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于 2014-05-07 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  灰色预测模型gm(1,1)适合初学者,只要数据就可以得到结果(Grey prediction model gm (1,1) for beginners)





0 个回复

  • matlab
    应用MATLAB实现连续信号的抽样与重构仿真(Applications in MATLAB continuous signal sampling and reconstruction simulation)
    2012-10-10 10:56:29下载
    MUSIC算法是一种基于矩阵特征空间分解的方法。从几何角度讲,信号处理的观测空间可以分解为信号子空间和噪声子空间,显然这两个空间是正交的。信号子空间由阵列接收到的数据协方差矩阵中与信号对应的特征向量组成,噪声子空间则由协方差矩阵中所有最小特征值(噪声方差)对应的特征向量组成。MUSIC算法就是利用这两个互补空间之间的正交特性来估计空间信号的方位。噪声子空间的所有向量被用来构造谱,所有空间方位谱中的峰值位置对应信号的来波方位。MUSIC算法大大提高了测向分辨率,同时适应于任意形状的天线阵列,但是原型MUSIC算法要求来波信号是不相干的。(MUSIC algorithm is a matrix decomposition method based on feature space. From the geometric point of view, the observed spatial signal processing can be decomposed into signal subspace and noise subspace, it is clear that the two spaces are orthogonal. The signal received by the array to the subspace of the covariance matrix of the signal component corresponding eigenvectors, the noise subspace of the covariance matrix of all by the smallest eigenvalue (noise variance) eigenvectors corresponding to the composition. MUSIC algorithm is the use of orthogonal properties between these two complementary space to estimate the spatial orientation of the signal. Noise subspace of all vectors are used to construct the spectrum, all the spatial orientation of the spectrum corresponding to the peak position of the signal wave direction. MUSIC algorithm greatly improves the resolution measurements, while the antenna array adapted to any shape, but the prototype MUSIC algorithm requires to wave sign)
    2014-02-19 13:23:48下载
  • test
    matlab program for beginner
    2011-01-01 16:34:25下载
  • wel_log
    weld log and matlab file
    2011-06-01 07:25:22下载
  • 0-1fenpei
    本程序是用来解决0-1规划问题的,匈牙利算法的MATLAB程序(用以解决分配(指派)问题) 本程序的用法是:输入效率矩阵 marix 为方阵,调用自编指令[z,ans]=fenpei(marix) 输出z为最优解,ans为最优分配矩阵。(This procedure usage is: input efficiency marix phalanx, calls for matrix maozhi instructions, [z] = fenpei (ans marix) output z for optimal solution, ans for optimal distribution matrix.)
    2010-12-03 19:28:09下载
  • kali_sim_2
    i have attached some matlab file
    2010-10-26 17:01:22下载
  • xunhuanbaoshu
    这个程序针对的问题是: 17个人为成圈,依次编号为0-16,从第一号开始报数,报到3的倍数的人离开, 一直数下去,直到最后只剩1人,求此人的编号. 程序有点复杂,不过还只能算是初级的水平 (This procedure for the question is: 17 individuals into the circle, followed by numbered 0-16, from the first to begin reported the number of people who report a multiple of three to leave, to keep counting votes until the last only a person seeking this person number. program a bit complicated, but can only be considered the primary level of)
    2010-01-27 01:17:44下载
  • DSSS
    该源码是直接序列扩频通信的仿真matlab代码。希望对你有所帮助。(This source is the direct sequence spread spectrum communication simulation of matlab code. I hope this helps. )
    2011-05-07 20:27:08下载
  • 25811210stbc
    2010-05-23 14:22:49下载
  • EMIODist
    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED
    2010-05-30 09:43:40下载
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