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  3.1语音信号的同态处理和倒谱分析30 3.1.1同态处理的基本原理30 3.1.2复倒谱和倒谱31 3.2离散余弦变换34 3.3Mel频率倒谱系数的分析37 3.3.1Mel滤波器组37 3.3.2MFCC特征参数提取38 3.4小波和小波包变换43 3.4.1小波变换43 3.4.2小波包变换44 3.4.3小波包算法45 3.4.4MATLAB中一维小波和小波包变换函数46 3.4.5MATLAB语音信号小波和小波包变换的例子49 3.5EMD的基本理论和算法53 3.5.1EMD的基本概念53 3.5.2EMD 的基本原理55 3.5.3EMD法的完备性和正交性57 3.5.4基于EMD的Hilbert变换的基本原理和算法59 3.5.5EMD法的MATLAB函数60(3.1 homomorphic speech signal processing fundamentals and cepstrum analysis 30 3.1.1 30 3.1.2 homomorphic processing complex cepstrum and cepstrum 31 3.2 Discrete Cosine Transform 34 3.3Mel frequency analysis of 37 3.3.1Mel cepstral filtering control group of 37 3.3.2MFCC feature extraction 38 3.4 wavelet and wavelet packet transform wavelet transform 43 43 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3 44 wavelet packet transform wavelet packet algorithm 45 3.4.4MATLAB one-dimensional wavelet and wavelet packet transform function 46 3.4.5MATLAB voice signal example of wavelet and wavelet packet transform 49 3.5EMD basic theory and algorithms 53 3.5.1EMD basic concepts of the basic principles of law 53 3.5.2EMD of 55 3.5.3EMD completeness and orthogonality 57 3.5.4 Based on the basic principle of MATLAB functions and algorithms EMD Hilbert transform 60 of 59 3.5.5EMD law)





0 个回复

  • dicisionfeedback
    关于判决反馈均衡器的matlab仿真代码(On the decision feedback equalizer of matlab simulation code)
    2007-07-11 22:17:14下载
  • kl
    说明:  (1)应用9×9的窗口对上述图象进行随机抽样,共抽样200块子图象; (2)将所有子图象按列相接变成一个81维的行向量; (3)对所有200个行向量进行KL变换,求出其对应的协方差矩阵的特征向量和特征值,按降序排列特征值以及所对应的特征向量; (4)选择前40个最大特征值所对应的特征向量作为主元,将原图象块向这40个特征向量上投影,所获得的投影系数就是这个子块的特征向量。 (5)求出所有子块的特征向量。 ((1) the application of 9 × 9 window of these images at random, a total sample of 200 sub-image (2) all sub-images according to out-phase into a 81-dimensional row vector (3) all 200 lines for KL transform vector, derived its corresponding covariance matrix of eigenvectors and eigenvalues, in descending order by eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenvector (4) a choice to 40 corresponding to the largest eigenvalue eigenvector as the PCA, the original image block to the 40 feature vectors on the projection, the projection coefficients obtained by this sub-block eigenvector. (5) calculated for all sub-block eigenvector.)
    2007-08-07 18:04:13下载
  • matlab
    PUDN XIEXIE西南交通大学赵宏宇老师的教学课件(ORIGIN OF SEJTU.)
    2010-07-15 17:23:46下载
  • colornoise
    说明:  你可以用这个程序通过一个巴特沃兹滤波器产生有色噪声,并求出噪声的波形和功率谱。(You can use this program through a Butterworth filter produces colored noise and find the noise waveform and power spectrum.)
    2010-03-22 10:36:12下载
  • Meshing_Fractures
    岩体稳定性计算,裂隙岩体节理网络网格划分,用于有限元计算。应用于边坡,大坝等岩体结构工程!(Rock stability calculation, fractured rock joint network mesh for finite element calculations. Applied to the slope, dams and other rock structure works!)
    2014-09-17 12:49:46下载
  • june2013
    VArious basic programme according to the book Basics of Matlab (Zakova)
    2013-10-13 23:14:16下载
  • Face_and_Face_exsipression_Recognition
    One of Biometrics fields is face recognition & face expression recognition ... 1- In face recognition .. we need to design authentication program by training a neural network ,there are two source codes..one of them is based on Discrete Wavelet Transform with Perceptron Neural Network.. and the other based on Discrete Cosine Transform with Perceptron Neural Network ... 2- In face expression recognition .. we defined the condition of the person (nature,happiness,disgust or anger) this source code is based on Principle component analysis(PCA) .. * we need to now about digital image processing ,neural network and PCA...
    2010-06-30 06:05:37下载
  • multisurface_plasticity
    2013-08-22 10:11:17下载
  • 78P468
    EM78P468的4时钟C语音程序,利用TIMER1为中断记数,高频采用PLL方式(EM78P468 4 clock C voice procedure, and use TIMER1 interrupt count, high-frequency mode with PLL)
    2011-05-26 00:42:13下载
  • toolbox-Algoritmos-geneticos
    Pequeno tutorial para estudial el toolbox de Matlab gatool
    2011-05-31 02:05:26下载
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