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  局域网内的五子棋游戏,WIN32编程,可以很好的学习windows消息机制(Backgammon games, WIN32 programming LAN can be a good learning windows message mechanism)



0 个回复

  • eleeye
    著名象棋软件象棋巫师源代码。循序渐进实现象棋巫师。(Famous chess wizard chess software source code. Progressive realization of chess wizard.)
    2021-01-09 21:18:56下载
  • C+++Weekend+Crash+Course
    C+++Weekend+Crash+Course这是一个中国象棋的原代码(C+++ Weekend+ Crash+ Course This is a Chinese chess original code)
    2008-07-04 11:19:10下载
  • gnuchess-5.07
    一款国际象棋的C++源代码,可以实现人机对战,而且AI的棋力不错(A chess in C++ source code, can achieve man-machine Battle, and a good AI' s Qi Li)
    2009-12-11 18:08:34下载
  • penball
    说明:  C++语言实现弹球游戏,图形界面更加美观,声音丰富(C++ language pinball game, a graphical interface even more beautiful, rich sound)
    2011-04-02 09:42:00下载
  • TicTacToe_dzy
    一个简单的井字过三关游戏,用qt实现...人机对弈AI(TipTacToe Game implementation)
    2011-11-21 13:32:20下载
  • 这是一个用VC写的五子人机对战程序
    这是一个用VC写的五子棋人机对战程序(This is a VC was the man-machine players 331 procedures)
    2005-01-17 00:20:25下载
  • c5
    Function: // riffle Description: // 洗牌,然后随机的得到9张牌,要求九张牌不能有重复. Calls: // Called By: // main() Table Accessed: //被修改的表(此项仅对于牵扯到数据库操作的程序) Table Updated: // 被修改的表(此项仅对于牵扯到数据库操作的程序) Input: //Card card[] 牌结构, int size 结构数组的大小 Output: //(Function:// riffle Description:// shuffle, and then randomly get nine cards, requiring nine cards can not be duplicated. Calls:// Called By:// main () Table Accessed:// modified table ( This only involves the operation of the database for the program) Table Updated:// modified table (this only involves the operation of the database for the program) Input:// Card card [] licensing structure, int size structure of the array size Output ://)
    2013-07-23 06:35:33下载
  • Chess_Easy
    基于Visual C++实现的局域网象棋游戏,Socket通信,多线程。(design the chess game by use Visual C++ , Socket technology, Mutil Thread.)
    2013-09-17 19:04:26下载
  • Backgammon
    五子棋是有两个人在一盘棋上进行对抗的竞技运动。在对局开始时,先由用户选择哪方先开局,先开局一方将一枚棋子落在一点上,然后由另一方在对方棋周围的交叉点上落子,如此轮流落子,直到某一方首先在棋盘的直线、横线或斜线上形成连续的五子则该方就算获胜。此时,算法结束。当有任何一方想退出时,都可在算法中实现。(Backgammon is a competitive sport confrontation of two people in a game of chess. At the beginning of the game, the first users to choose which side first start, first start the party will be a pawn falls point, and then by the other party on the other chess around the intersection of Lazi, so turns Lazi, until the party first the chessboard straight, horizontal or diagonal to form a continuous five sons even if the party wins. In this case, the algorithm ends. When either party wishes to withdraw from, can be realized in the algorithm.)
    2012-11-05 20:18:00下载
  • 五子C++源码
    个人开发五子棋游戏的源代码,利用MFC实现,仅供参考!(personal development renju game's source code, using MFC for reference!)
    2005-06-08 15:31:50下载
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