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于 2015-06-24 发布 文件大小:394KB
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  development package based OpenSceneGraphics libary for Geology.



0 个回复

  • Array
    数组类的实现与改进。利用操作符重载,定义类来生成一数组(An array of classes and achieve improvements. Use operator overloading to generate an array of custom class)
    2014-12-09 21:57:56下载
  • MAT_demo
    MAT-file importer to C++ with and without binds to matread/write library functions
    2008-06-03 02:07:50下载
  • vc+matlab
    matlab 与 vc++接口五种不同的方法与实例(vc Matlab interface with five different methods and examples)
    2006-06-15 11:56:16下载
  • ecg_read
    Read ECG signal from MIT-BIT for signal processing. Basically used in MATLAB and other signal processing tools.
    2013-08-24 02:11:19下载
  • -Tabu-Search-to-Solve-the-JSSP-with-SD-Setup-Time
    Tabu search for Job shop
    2013-09-16 01:33:55下载
  • Matlab-and-VC20101230
    总结了matlab与vc混合编程的三种常用方法,并结合了具体的实例,简单介绍了基本的操作(Matlab and vc summarized three common hybrid programming method, and specific examples, a brief introduction of the basic operations)
    2011-04-25 10:05:19下载
  • getpes
    可以将TS流中的PES信息内的PTS位置标定(TS stream can be within the PTS PES position calibration information)
    2013-10-21 12:31:06下载
  • main
    temperature data logger-The temperature data logger is a device to read temperature and store persistent temperature and corresponding timestamp data into Flash memory. The collection of temperature data can be retrieved, and analyzed after being logged. The temperature data logger is commonly used for monitoring environmental data and shipments of temperature sensitive products such as foods, pharmaceuticals, and some chemicals. In particular, temperature data logger can operate as a stand-alone device and put in a variety of locations including office, laboratory or geographical location such as mountains, deserts,… and in manufacturing line in industry to collect temperature data over a defined period of time. It is also small enough and portable to be integrated with shipping container or directly attached to products which can be degraded due to exposure to temperature extremes to monitor their temperature
    2015-03-06 20:03:40下载
  • Parabol
    方程求根的是抛物线法则,写的不好。仅供参考(Roots of the equation is parabolic law, badly written. Reference)
    2011-09-27 10:42:25下载
  • OrderForm
    顺序表(即向量类),包含创建,插入,删除,查找等功能。(The order of the table (ie vector class), including creation, insert, delete, search and other functions.)
    2009-12-05 20:34:09下载
  • 696518资源总数
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