《C专家编程》展示了最优秀的C程序员所使用的编码技巧,并专门开辟了一章对C++的基础知识进行了介绍。书中C的历史、语言特性、声明、数组、指针、链接、运行时、内存以及如何进一步学习C++等问题进行了细致的讲解和深入的分析。全书撷取几十个实例进行讲解,对C程序员具有非常高的实用价值。(" expert C programming" demonstrated the use of the best C programmers coding techniques, and opened up a chapter devoted to the basic knowledge of C++ are introduced. The detailed explanation and in-depth analysis of C book of history, language characteristics, statements, arrays, pointers, links, runtime, memory and learning how to further C++ such problems. The book captured dozens of examples to explain, has very high practical value for C programmers.)