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于 2014-04-18 发布 文件大小:2332KB
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  基于vc6.0的点特征提取算法,包括Moravec算子、Forstner算子以及Harris算子。(Vc6.0 point feature extraction based algorithms, including Moravec operator, Forstner operator and Harris operator.)







0 个回复

  • pt100
    使用PT100与STC12C5A60S2单片机进行搭配使用进行测量温度并最终显示在液晶显示器上,(Use PT100 and STC12C5A60S2 collocation is used to measure temperature and eventually single-chip display on the LCD display, )
    2013-11-08 10:47:24下载
  • Office-Word-2
    基于mfc程序演示各种操作word的方式,简单明了、容易迅速上手;各种操作注释完整。(Based on word of mfc program demonstrates the various operation modes, simple, easy to get started quickly various operating Comment integrity.)
    2014-02-26 12:50:46下载
  • VCPPcode
    学习C++必备啊 希望和大家共享 源代码 共同进步(Learn C++ essential ah hope and sharing source code and common progress)
    2014-03-13 19:55:03下载
  • ch08
    Visual C++ 6.0程序设计学与用教程的聊天程序(Visual C++ 6.0 programming tutorial learning and use chat program)
    2014-04-05 07:54:20下载
  • bianjiakuang
    用VC2010写的读取编辑框数据并显示在视图上。适合出学者使用。(Written by VC2010 edit box data read and displayed on the view. Suitable for a scholar to use.)
    2013-12-11 09:06:08下载
  • 20074151782521
    < 绿林卫士>>是作者在97年,临近大学毕业的时候开发的,当时国内盛行红警,游戏开发行业才刚刚开始。虽然本游戏在98年初参加ENIX全球大赛获优胜奖,但很多设计思想还不成熟。不过对于想入门入门开发游戏的程序爱好者来说这是个不错的参考。 本游戏利用了当时刚推出的DirectX 2D和DirectSound技术。 由于动画太大,程序略去了Avi文件,请启动程序后按ESc键进入菜单。 (<Greenwood defender>> is a writer in 97 years, when graduating from college near the development, when the prevalence of domestic红警, game development industry has just begun. Although the game early in the 98 to participate in the Global Competition by Enix prize, but many are not yet ripe for design ideas. But like the development of entry-entry procedures for the game lovers, this is a good reference. The game made use of then newly introduced technology DirectX 2D and DirectSound. As a result of too much animation, the program omits the Avi file, please start the process by the ESC key to enter the menu.)
    2007-06-02 20:08:24下载
  • CImage
     我们知道,Visual C++的CBitmap类和静态图片控件的功能是比较弱的,它只能显示出在资源中的图标、位图、光标以及图元文件的内容,而不像VB中的Image控件可以显示出绝大多数的外部图像文件(BMP、GIF、JPEG等)。因此,想要在对话框或其他窗口中显示外部图像文件则只能借助于第三方提供的控件或代码。现在,MFC和ATL共享的新类CImage为图像处理提供了许多相应的方法,这使得Visual C++在图像方面的缺憾一去不复返了。(We know that the Visual C++ the CBitmap class and static picture control function is relatively weak, it only shows the icon resources, bitmaps, cursors, as well as the contents of the metafile, rather than the Image control in VB show the vast majority of external image files (BMP, GIF,, JPEG, etc.). Therefore, I want to display external image files in a dialog or other window only by means of third party controls or code. Now, new class CImage MFC and ATL shared many of the corresponding method for image processing, which makes the Visual C++ of defects in the image is gone forever.)
    2012-05-28 11:47:09下载
  • OurPlayer2.2
    实现了一个播放器,使用VS2008MFC编程,包含界面程序和播放程序,此为第二个修改版本(music player 2.2)
    2012-03-09 10:45:43下载
  • 76676989
    实现钩子,VC++精选编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。(Hook, VC++ select learning programming source code, a good reference.)
    2013-11-28 10:49:43下载
  • rgyq
    人工鱼群算法在电机参数识别中的应用,可以生成表格和图像(Artificial fish in the motor parameter identification algorithm, the application may generate form and image )
    2012-05-17 18:12:08下载
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