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  BSH3C软件可用于电子工程领域的研究人员使用,该款软件用户体验很好,方便你的电子设计,特别是画图。电路图可导出成bmp格式(The material is a software to draw the hardware circuit diagram and confirming the procedure result)



0 个回复

  • lpc1788_ucos
    实现恩智浦lpc1788fet208上ucos系统的建立,并手动实现了printf函数( To achieve the establishment of NXP lpc1788fet208 UCOS system, and implements the printf function manual )
    2016-03-29 15:13:38下载
  • xiaofangche
    电动消防车的设计。主要包括超声波测距,红外循迹,探测火源(The fire truck design)
    2014-08-06 15:54:53下载
  • cortex_m0-CAN-keil
    了解 CAN 总线通信原理,实现利用 CAN 总线完成通信 在进行实验的时候,需要将两块开发板连接 USB 线进行充电,因为利用 CAN 总线进 行通信需要有较高的驱动能力。(Learn CAN bus communication theory, to achieve complete CAN bus communication when carrying out the experiment, you will need two development boards connect the USB cable for charging, because the use of CAN bus communication requires a higher drive capability.)
    2013-06-08 00:14:49下载
  • 最终版跷跷板
    本实验开机后,先初始化MPU6050,然后利用DMP库,初始化MPU6050及使能DMP,最后,在死循环里面不停 读取:温度传感器、加速度传感器、陀螺仪、DMP姿态解算后的欧拉角等数据,通过串口上报给上位机(温 度不上报),利用上位机软件(ANO_Tech匿名四轴上位机_V2.6.exe),可以实时显示MPU6050的传感器状 态曲线,并显示3D姿态,可以通过KEY0按键开启/关闭数据上传功能。同时,在LCD模块上面显示温度和欧拉 角等信息。DS0来指示程序正在运行。另外,本例程也可以通过USMART调用MPU_Read_Byte/MPU_Write_Byte 等函数,来实现对MPU6050寄存器的读写操作(仅在UPLOAD OFF状态下).(This experiment starts with initializing MPU6050, then using DMP library, initializing MPU6050 and enabling DMP. Finally, it keeps on in the dead cycle. Read: temperature sensor, accelerometer, gyroscope, Euler angle after attitude calculation of DMP and other data, report to PC through serial port (temperature). The sensor of MPU6050 can be displayed in real time by using the upper computer software (ANO_Tech anonymous four-axis upper computer_V2.6.exe). The state curve and 3D posture can be displayed, and the data upload function can be turned on/off by KEY0 button. At the same time, temperature and Euler are displayed on the LCD module. Angle and other information. DS0 to indicate that the program is running. In addition, this routine can also call MPU_Read_Byte/MPU_Write_Byte through USMART Equivalent function to achieve the read-write operation of MPU6050 registers (only in UPLOAD OFF state).)
    2020-06-24 18:40:02下载
  • D1板学习资料例程
    说明:  esp8266ardino 开发板 例程 学习资料(ESP 8266ardino Development Board Routine Learning Materials)
    2020-06-19 02:20:01下载
  • PCA9685_MG996R
    STM32F103C8T6控制PCA9685舵机驱动板(STM32F103C8T6 control PCA9685 steering wheel drive board)
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  • 26精心编写程序模块
    精心编写程序模块,关于全国电子设计大赛的资料(Elaborate Programming Module, Information about National Electronic Design Competition)
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  • 1_queue
    说明:  stm32f103zet6 使用freertos,在IAR平台下开发,队列例程(stm32f103zet6 freertos)
    2020-06-16 20:00:02下载
  • robot
    超声波测距,测量精度为1cm,可以使机器人安全避障。(Ultrasonic distance measurement accuracy of 1cm, can make the robot obstacle avoidance safety.)
    2013-11-13 10:35:13下载
  • USBKeyLed
    用stm32cubemx生成的usb键盘已经配置好带led反回功能(stm32cubemx usb key led ok ok)
    2021-04-21 20:18:49下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104569会员总数
  • 24今日下载