前段时间公司安排了个任务:要求交付一个DLL,实现【PDF转换成图片】,最好的效果是能够掌握所有源码,实在不行才交付第三方DLL。研究了6个工作日+1双休+每晚9点下班,逛遍了国内外各种论坛,还是没能成功整出源码,但发现了很多有用的工具和其他工具,在此分享给大家。(Some time ago the company arranged to have a mission: to claim the delivery a DLL, to achieve [PDF] into a picture, the best results are able to master all the source code, it is not only the delivery of third-party DLL. We studied six days 9:00+1 day weekend+ per night work, take a stroll at home and abroad in various forums, or did not make the whole out of the source code, but found a lot of useful tools and other tools in this share to you .)