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于 2013-07-02 发布 文件大小:54KB
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  增强图像中的有用信息,它可以是一个失真的过程,其目的是要改善图像的视觉效果,针对给定图像的应用场合(Enhance the useful information in the image, it can be a process of distortion, its purpose is to improve image visual effect, for a given image)



0 个回复

  • Segmentation
    使用区域生长法对灰度图像进行分割,显示原图及分割后的图像(Region growing method using gray-scale image segmentation, image display artwork and divided)
    2013-11-26 14:17:07下载
  • ImageProcess
    用mfc编程实现数字图像处理的一些简单操作,只能处理bmp格式图片。调节对比度、亮度、边缘检测等。(Mfc programming with some simple digital image processing operations, can only deal with bmp format images. Adjust contrast, brightness, edge detection.)
    2011-06-28 01:22:34下载
  • patchwork_wangying
    利用matlab实现Patchwork算法,包括各种处理攻击(Using matlab Patchwork algorithm, including the attack of various treatment)
    2012-03-19 16:44:43下载
  • source
    数字图像处理,C语言,功能是打开一幅位图,实现几何变换。(Digital image processing, C language function is to open a bitmap, to achieve geometric transform.)
    2010-01-12 15:05:48下载
  • MATLAB 水印添加程序源代码 KJaBKJ
    MATLAB可见水印、不可见水印添加程序源代码,可见水印部分采用中值法,不可见部分采用DWT变换。(MATLAB visible watermark, invisible watermark to add the source code, we can see the watermark part in value method, the invisible part on DWT.)
    2020-06-28 09:20:02下载
  • fast-fcm
    FCM源代码,专门用于图像分割的,速度很快(FCM source code, specifically for image segmentation, very fast)
    2012-06-05 09:00:51下载
  • MATLAB_Image_subpixel_Mutual_info
    说明:  MATLAB实现基于互相关的亚像素级图像配准源代码,MATLAB_Image_subpixel_Mutual_info(MATLAB-based cross-correlation of sub-pixel image registration source code, MATLAB_Image_subpixel_Mutual_info)
    2008-10-11 13:42:41下载
  • qtimer
    The QTimer class provides repetitive and single-shot timers for Linux.
    2013-09-19 03:12:19下载
    GVF Snake算法的VC源码。GVF是活动轮廓算法Snake的一种改进,能够解决Snake不能够收敛到凹行区域的缺陷(GVF Snake algorithm VC source. GVF active contour algorithm is an improvement Snake, Snake can be resolved can not converge to the concave line defect region)
    2020-06-26 16:40:02下载
  • Kalman_Filter
    卡尔曼滤波源代码 Some brief notes ---------------- kfdemo.m is a Matlab script file to run a demonstration of the Bayesian Kalman filter. It loads file kfdemo.mat (saved as version 4 so that it will read in either v4 or v5 Matlab). The other files are called by kf.m (the Kalman filter) or included as they may be useful. Normalis.m normalises data to zero-mean, unit variance along components. I always do this before any further analysis. Steve Roberts 7-2-98 (Kalman filter source code Some brief notes kfdemo.m is a Matlab script file to run a demonstration of theBayesian Kalman filter. It loads file kfdemo.mat (saved as version 4so that it will read in either v4 or v5 Matlab). The other files are called by kf.m (the Kalman filter) or includedas they may be useful. Normalis.m normalises data to zero-mean, unit variance along components. I always do this before any furtheranalysis.Steve Roberts 7-2-98)
    2008-04-05 16:47:47下载
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