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于 2013-06-28 发布 文件大小:301KB
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  系统仿真导论第一个实验程序,龙格库塔实验程序(Introduction The first experimental system simulation program, Runge-Kutta experimental procedures)



0 个回复

  • Program
    矩阵转换问题 行与列的个数均为n 的矩阵称为n 阶方阵。假定矩阵中的每个元素的值在0到9之间,则可以将矩阵中的所有元素按行依次排列得到一个“单行矩阵字符串”。(Matrix conversion, the number of rows and columns of the matrix n are called n-order square. Assume that each element of matrix value in the 0 to 9, you can press all the elements of the matrix rows in order of priority for a " single matrix string." )
    2010-12-28 11:42:08下载
  • fft
    fft傅里叶快速变化程序,里面说的很清楚,很使用。(FFT Fourier rapid change program, which made it very clear, is to use. )
    2014-05-11 20:59:38下载
  • FMM_C
    电磁计算用的快速多级子算法,欢迎大家下载交流(Fast multilevel sub algorithm for electromagnetic computation)
    2020-12-03 16:29:25下载
  • fft
    一个短时傅里叶变换的C语言实现,对3万个数据进行加窗、FFT处理(A short time Fourier transform of C language, for 30,000 data windowing, FFT processing)
    2020-08-15 18:58:26下载
  • Unit1
    Algorithm gauss seidel load flow
    2013-03-10 00:51:10下载
  • free-cfd-1.0.1
    一个通用的CFD求解器,代码结构清楚,简洁,适用于开发自己的CFD程序。(A general of CFD solver, the code structure is clear, concise, applicable to the development of the CFD program.)
    2020-10-08 00:07:38下载
  • optics-VCPP
    说明:  Optics聚类算法 OPTICS没有显示地产生一个数据集合簇,它为自动和交互地聚类分析计算一个簇次序。这个次序代表了数据基于密度地聚类结构。它包含地信息,等同于从一个宽广地参数设置范围所获得的基于密度的聚类(Optics do not show clustering algorithm OPTICS to produce a collection of data clusters, it is automatically and interactively computing cluster analysis a cluster order. This order represents the data to cluster based on the density structure. It contains in information from a broadly equivalent range of parameters obtained by density-based clustering)
    2020-11-07 15:19:49下载
  • 禁忌法 C++
     禁忌搜索算法是一种全局性邻域搜索算法,模拟人类具有记忆功能的寻优特征。它通过局部邻域搜索机制和相应的禁忌准则来避免迂回搜索,并通过破禁水平来释放一些被禁忌的优良状态,进而保证多样化的有效探索,以最终实现全局优化(Tabu search algorithm)
    2018-04-13 09:03:34下载
  • clusterinquest
    cluster in quest聚类算法是基于密度和网格的聚类算法。对于大型数据库的高维数据聚类集合。(cluster in quest clustering algorithm is based on the density of the grid and clustering algorithm. For large database of high-dimensional data clustering pool.)
    2006-12-08 21:13:15下载
  • QuartercarJJJ
    通过具有随机结构参数的四分之一车辆模型研究了具有不确定性结构参数的车辆在受到来自道路的随 机激励作用下的振动响应问题。将簧上质量、簧下质量、悬挂阻尼、悬挂刚度以及轮胎刚度均认为是随机变量。将路面的不平整引起的对车辆的激励看作高斯随机过程并通过简单指数功率谱密度来建立力学模型。(By a quarter vehicle model with random parameters studied vehicle structure uncertain structural parameters of the vibration by the random excitation the road response under question. The sprung mass, unsprung mass, suspension damping, suspension stiffness and rigidity of the tire are considered to be random variables. The excitation caused by uneven road vehicle regarded as Gaussian random process and to create a mechanical model of a simple exponential power spectral density.)
    2020-11-02 10:09:53下载
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