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于 2013-06-25 发布 文件大小:493KB
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  模拟股票系统, 含用户登录和即时刷新股票曲线等功能(Simulated stock system, including user login immediately refresh the stock curve)


Matlab Projet
.............\Présentation du jeu.pptx,58899,2013-04-17
.............\rapport de projet.docx,278120,2013-03-26



0 个回复

  • 123
    模拟银行业务:(1) 银行每日的现金额固定,工作窗口个数固定(大于1),客户只能在工作窗口办理业务。 (2) 客户出现可以为随机,其办理的业务种类也随机。客户在到达银行时,总是最短的选择队伍排在最后面。 (3) 当客户取款时,如果帐户余额不足,则拒绝其取款;当银行现金额不足时,应请客户等待,银行现金额充足时通知客户,立即为其办理;当客户等待一定时间后现金仍然不足,或者客户主动查询N次之后,现金仍然不足,则会离开银行。 (4) 客户的存款应加入银行当日当前可用现金额。 (5) 动画实时显示银行办理业务的情况。可以启动、暂停、重新启动银行业务。 (6) 对于本程序,用户可以创建某一特定客户,使之进入银行办理业务,以便测试。 (Analog Banking: (1) bank fixed daily amount of cash, the number of fixed working window (greater than 1), customers can conduct business in the working window. (2) the customer may appear random, handled its business lines also random. When customers reach the bank, always choose the shortest team came in last. (3) when the customer withdrawals, if your account balance is insufficient, rejected its withdrawal when there is insufficient amount of cash banks should ask the customer to wait, notify the customer when sufficient amount of cash banks, immediately its handling when customers wait for a certain time after the cash after still insufficient, or the customer initiative inquiry N times, cash is still insufficient, it will leave the bank. (4) the customer' s date of deposit currently available amount of cash banks should join. (5) Real-time animation display case bank business. You can start, pause, restart banking. (6) For this program, the user can create a specific customer)
    2016-04-27 21:31:06下载
  • DEMO
    完整的股票软件分析软件源代码(类通达信风格) 开发语言:VC++ 开发平台:VS2008 其它的功能和通达信类似,不用多介绍,目前市场上大部分股软都具有这些功能 主要介绍一下特色功能,也是很多人一直在寻找但很难找到的具有二次开发功能的公式平台源代码: 目前很多股软,包括通达信,大智慧等主流软件的公式平台里的函数总有一些不足,所以很多人希望能自己开发扩展自己想要的函数,但又没有源代码,所以只能被动的等上述软件厂商开发.可谓等待绵绵无绝期. 现在这套源代码可以让您自己随意增加公式编辑平台的函数,根据自己的需要开发出自己品牌的股软,非常适合具有在股软行业施展才华的个人及公司.也适合个人研究者根据自己的需要开发出适合自己的软件.(Stock analysis software complete software source code (class letter accessible style) Development languages: VC++ Development platform: VS2008 Other features and accessibility similar letter, not more, at present most of the market shares have these features soft Introduce the main features, but also a lot of people have been looking for but it is difficult to find a formula with a secondary development function platform source code: At present, many software stocks, including accessible information, great wisdom and other mainstream software platform in the function of the formula there are always some drawbacks, so many people want to expand their development function you want, but do not have the source code, so only a passive The development of other software vendors. can be described as waiting for everlasting. The source code can now make free to add your own formula editing platform function, according to their need to develop their own brand of shares of sof)
    2011-08-28 01:32:30下载
  • Dolly交易
    说明:  Dolly买卖规则: 货币对:任何货币对 买:buysotp 1. GMACD——主趋势H4和大趋势D1一致,为绿色且向上。 2. 顾比线——蓝色线在红色线上方。 3. 下买单: 3.1即时成交单:价格在蓝色区域/买入1,买入 3.1挂单交易单:价格:买入1,止赢:+20,止损:-40. 卖:sellsotp1. GMACD——主趋势H4和大趋势D1一致,为红色且向下。 2. 顾比线——蓝色线在红色线下方。 3. 下买单: 3.1即时成交单:价格在红色区域/卖出1,卖出 3.1挂单交易单:卖出1,止赢:-20,止损:+40            Dolly 0%&100%斐波那契线货币对:任何货币对(使用前先设置斐波那契线是否正确)这个技巧可以带为挂单交易单带来99.9%的成绩和非常低的风险(北京时间早上8点开始挂单)。 买:buysotp 1. 挂止损买入:斐波那100% + 2点+点差 2. 设置止赢:5-10点或0.000 (使用跟踪止损效果更好) 3. 设置止损:100%价格- 20-30 点(The Dolly trading system is easy to use and very comprehensive. This works best on a 15 or 30-minute timeframe. This is applicable to any currency pairs. Dolly Forex Trading System provides an opportunity to detect various peculiarities and patterns in price dynamics which are invisible to the naked eye. Based on this information, traders can assume further price movement and adjust this system accordingly.)
    2020-06-20 21:20:02下载
  • celue
    螺纹钢期货小波区间突破策略MATLAB代码,策略最优化,样本外测试,给出了年化收益,平均胜率,最大回撤等指标(RB trading strategy)
    2013-08-02 00:33:21下载
  • RSI报警
    说明:  MT4版的RSI报警指标 源码,很实用的指标(MT4 version of RSI alarm indicator source code, very practical indicators)
    2020-06-21 13:20:06下载
  • 疯狂刷单
    说明:  疯狂刷单,一秒一单,自动设止盈,不适合小资金,默认0.01手。(Crazy billing, one second a single, automatic stop earnings, not suitable for small funds, default 0.01 hands.)
    2020-06-17 00:00:01下载
  • 刷手(修改版)黄十五分
    这是一款专业针对黄金交易爱好者开发的EA,其特点是单量巨大,盈利能力也不含糊。EA采用双边对冲开仓的策略,稳定性比较强,如果能配合人工风控,盈利空间会有更大的突破。 本策略对点差不敏感,在ECN和标准账户上都有相当出色的表现,高达45个点差的平台依旧能够盈利,是经纪公司刷返佣的神器,也是个人交易者交易非常棒的助手。 目前对参数进行了很好的优化,风险也进一步得到了释放,不太会有爆仓风险。(This is an EA specially developed for gold trading enthusiasts, which is characterized by huge single volume and unequivocal profitability. EA adopts the strategy of bilateral hedging to open its warehouse, which has strong stability. If it can cooperate with artificial wind control, there will be greater breakthroughs in profit margin. This strategy is insensitive to spreads. It has excellent performance in ECN and standard accounts. As many as 45 spreads platforms are still profitable. It is a magic weapon for brokerage companies to brush back commissions and a great assistant for individual traders. At present, the parameters have been well optimized, and the risk has been further released, so there is little risk of explosion.)
    2020-06-17 10:20:02下载
  • High-FrequencyTradingPracticalGuide
    这是一本关于高频数据处理算法的matlab分析的教程,英文版,他所使用的是matlab R2010b版本。值得大家参考(This is an analysis on high-frequency data processing algorithms matlab tutorial, in English, he used matlab R2010b version. Worth reference)
    2013-03-09 14:49:12下载
  • 三数浪经典指标3
    到转折点会自动显示数字,分3级,级数越大转折力度越强(The turning point will automatically display numbers, divided into three grades, the greater the series, the stronger the turning force to the turning point will automatically display numbers, divided into three grades, the greater the series, the stronger the turning force.)
    2020-06-20 08:20:02下载
  • CCI Zero外汇交易
    说明:  多周期共振MACD等待多周期同时出现,下一个K线入场(Multicycle resonance MACD waits for multicycle to appear at the same time)
    2020-01-24 16:39:11下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104612会员总数
  • 24今日下载