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于 2012-03-20 发布 文件大小:972KB
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  C++ 写的一些算法模板 ,比如Kruskal、KMP、欧几里德算法、最大匹配(匈牙利算法)、最小费用最大流、字符串的哈希方法、增广路算法、网络最大流_邻接表等……(C++ write some algorithms template, such as Kruskal, KMP, Euclid arithmetic, maximal matching (Hungary) is proposed, the minimum cost and maximum flow, string hash method, augmented road algorithm, network maximum flow _ adjlink etc......)



0 个回复

  • ch2_ex2_4
    载入一副图像并进行平滑处理与高斯或其他核函数进行卷积有效的减少图像信息内容(Loading an image and smoothed with a Gaussian or other nuclear convolution function effectively reduce the information content of the image)
    2016-08-23 16:01:08下载
  • Pseudo-Color Image Processing
    数字图像处理实验-图像处理-含实验题目及源代码(Pseudo-Color Image Processing (a) Implement Fig. 6.23, with the characteristic that you can specify two ranges of gray-level values for the input image and your program will output an RGB image whose pixels have a specified color corresponding to one range of gray levels in the input image, and the remaining pixels in the RGB image have the same shade of gray as they had in the input image. You can limit the input colors to all the colors in Fig. 6.4(a). (b) Download the image in Fig. 1.10(4) and process it with your program so that the river appears yellow and the rest of the pixels are the same shades of gray as in the input image. It is acceptable to have isolated specs in the image that also appear yellow, but these should be kept as few as possible by proper choice of the two gray-level bands that you input into your program.)
    2017-11-06 16:52:41下载
  • MSER-algorithm
    MSER算法的实现,功能齐全,思路清晰!值得研究图像处理的人员参考!(MSER algorithm implemented, the function is all ready, clearthinking! )
    2011-07-05 10:21:39下载
  • zhizhenshibie
    实现一个高精度指针仪表读数自动识别系统.用数码摄像头采集仪表的图像,然后利用数字图像处理技术识别刻度和指针,根据指针和刻度的相对位置计算指针读数值.使用条件霍夫变换(Constrained HOUGH Transfer)和中心投影分析法实现刻度的全自动识别,采用快速中心投影法进行指针检测与识别,识别速度达到68ms.实验结果表明该方法比传统方法速度快、精度高,系统读数平均误差仅为0.016%(To achieve a high precision automatic identification system pointer meter reading. Instrument with a digital camera capture images, then using digital image processing technology to identify scale and pointer, pointer and scale according to the relative position of the pointer readings calculated. Use Hough transform (Constrained HOUGH Transfer) and center projection analysis method to achieve scale automatic identification method using fast center projection target detection and recognition, recognition speed of 68ms. Experimental results show that faster than traditional methods, high accuracy, the system average error of only 0.016 of reading)
    2021-04-26 08:48:45下载
  • GM-PHDsmooth
    检测前跟踪 粒子滤波 概率假设密度 高斯混合粒子 平滑(Pre-test tracking particle filter probability hypothesis density Gaussian mixture particle smoothing)
    2012-09-18 20:54:39下载
  • cx
    说明:  基于自适应α-β滤波器的接收机跟踪环多普勒自补偿算法(Based on adaptive alpha beta filter satellite receiver loop of the doppler compensation algorithm design)
    2015-09-11 13:16:35下载
  • image_matching
    说明:  实现了三种图像匹配算法 1:归一化互相关匹配算法 2:基于Hausdorff距离的图像匹配算法 3:图像不变矩匹配算法(Three matching algorithms to achieve 1: normalized cross correlation matching algorithm 2: the image matching algorithm based on Hausdorff Distance 3: Image Invariant Moment Matching Algorithm)
    2021-03-28 19:09:11下载
  • 4
    说明:  图象压缩方面的论文 可用于毕业设计方面的工作(Image compression can be used for graduate thesis work of design)
    2010-05-26 20:22:00下载
  • Otsus
    2010-06-01 03:25:09下载
  • xroi
    IDL关于图像感兴趣图像区域进行编辑并将结果输出,多ROI区域DN值信息比较(IDL about the region of the image interested in editing and exporting the results, and comparing the DN value information of the multiple ROI regions)
    2020-12-07 15:39:21下载
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