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于 2014-02-24 发布 文件大小:1575KB
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  我司通原F1型实验箱的二次开发功能是让用户通过自主设计,加深对有关实验内容所涉及的理论知识的理解和掌握。用户在掌握CPLD和DSP开发技术的基础上,以我司提供的实验箱为硬件,自主实现我司通原F1型实验箱已有的及相关的功能。(Our former F1 experimental me through secondary development function is to allow users to independently design and deepen the theoretical knowledge about the contents of the experiment involved to understand and master. Users control CPLD and DSP development technology based on our experimental boxes provided for the hardware, through self-realization of our original F1 experimental me already and related functions.)



0 个回复

  • RemoveDriveByLetter_demo
    安全移除usb设备功能,可禁止某类usb设备的使用,实行系统安全控制Removing a USB drive using the Windows tray icon is easy - especially if you single left-click it... But sometimes it s useful to it from your program(safety equipment functions, prohibit certain types of equipment used usb, Safety control system implemented Removing a USB drive using the Windows tray icon is easy- especially if you left single- click it ... But sometimes it's useful to it from your program)
    2007-05-16 16:47:00下载
  • ADOImageDB_src
    图像数据库,C++实现的ADO数据库,用于图像的数据库检索(Image database, C++ implementation of the ADO database)
    2017-09-18 22:53:03下载
  • ISP_pc_14y1231b
    透過 Socket 擷取影像,並進行 OpenCV MOG2 計算(Capture images through Socket, and OpenCV MOG2 computing)
    2014-12-31 16:51:58下载
  • 04LargeWANLabManual
    opnet software fo simulation network
    2009-05-08 16:58:47下载
  • TestVideo
    说明:  用dxshow编写的视频播放器。。。。。。。(Dxshow prepared to use video player。。。。)
    2009-08-07 08:52:35下载
  • cppclassic
    c++四书五经,C++从入门到精通的教材(c++ classics, C++ textbook from the entry to the master)
    2010-11-07 02:13:16下载
  • informationofusers
    说明:  有效的管理网络用户,管理用户的信息等.涉及到了安全性,可靠性.(effective management of network users, manage user information. Relate to the security and reliability.)
    2006-05-06 15:12:00下载
  • video_trans
    基于udp协议和openCV编程实现的视频传输程序,具有自动获取本地IP地址功能,客户端输入服务器端IP,点击发送,服务器端可实现实时的接收和播放,在可靠的局域网环境下,多次测试传输可靠,除此以外具有原理简单,可扩展的优点。(Udp protocol and openCV programming-based video transmission program has automatic access to the functions of the local IP address, server-side IP client input and click send, the server side can receive and play real-time, reliable LAN environment, several testsreliable transmission, in addition to a simple principle, scalable advantages.)
    2021-03-30 17:39:10下载
  • C-and-CPP-in-5-days
    C and C++ in 5 days C and C++ in 5 days
    2013-06-05 02:26:33下载
  • ProtectProcess
    进程保护,支持WIN7,已经在VS2010的环境WINDDK7600.16385.1下编译通过,代码中硬编码了cacl.exe这个进程,可以测试通过任务管理器不能关闭cacl.exe,但是,可以通过taskkill /pid来关闭进程,因此还需要升级。(Process protection, support WIN7, already at ambient WINDDK7600.16385.1 VS2010' s compiler, code hard-coded cacl.exe this process, the test can not be closed cacl.exe through the Task Manager, but can be disabled by taskkill/pid process, it also needs to be upgraded.)
    2017-04-04 21:38:14下载
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