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于 2014-02-23 发布 文件大小:3547KB
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  本件描述了单电感入网的解耦模型,通过仿真和实验验证了正确性(This part describes the decoupling model of single inductor network, through simulation and experiment verify the correctness )



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  • a
    说明:  计算发电机励磁系统的机断电压\功率,能够判断系统的稳定性和能观能控性能(Calculation of Generator Excitation System machine off voltage power, able to judge the stability of the system observability and controllability properties)
    2008-08-29 16:16:40下载
  • MXFEM1d2
    本程序用于进行平板裂纹扩展,模拟,分析,平板内气孔夹杂的分析,使用的方法为扩展有限元法(XFEM),程序语言为MATLAB.(This procedure is used for the analysis of plate crack propagation, simulation, and analysis of void inclusion in a plate, using the method for the extended finite element method (XFEM), and the programming language for MATLAB.)
    2017-10-07 19:17:09下载
  • matlaborder
    matlab 常用命令,如:hold on 用于保留当前图形和当前坐标轴属性,后面的图形命令只能在当前存在的坐标轴中增加图形,即设置当前坐标轴属性NexPlot为add,(matlab commonly used commands, such as: hold on to retain the current graphics and the current axes properties, behind the graphics commands only exist in the current axes to add graphics, or set the current axes properties NexPlot for the add,)
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  • fuzzy_control
    模糊控制程序 设计带有纯延迟的一阶惯性环节 的模糊控制器,观察仿真结果。 (fuzzy control procedures designed with a pure delay in the order inertia part fuzzy controller observed simulation results.)
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  • DSB-AM
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  • jiaxingzaosheng
    说明:  加性噪声以及jakes信道模型的代码,对新手可以起作用。(Additive noise and the code of the jakes channel model can play a role for novices.)
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  • Transmittance_My
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  • inedi
    iNEDI is an acronym for "improved New Edge-Directed Interpolation". This function implements an improvement of the original NEDI technique described on: X. Li et. al., "new edge-directed interpolation". IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Vol.10, No.10, October 2001, pp.1521-1527 (iNEDI is an acronym for "improved New Edge- Directed Interpolation. " This function imple ments an improvement of the original GaAs techn ique described on : X. Li et. al. , "new edge-directed interpolation." IEEE Tran s. on Image Processing, Vol.10, No.10, 373,890 bytes, pp.1521- 1527)
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