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于 2015-05-22 发布 文件大小:2803KB
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  使用三叉链表实现的哈夫曼树,统计inputfile1.txt中各字符的出现频率,并据此构造Huffman树,编制Huffman 码;根据已经得到的编码,对01形式的编码段进行译码。 具体的要求: 1.将给定字符文件编码,生成编码,输出每个字符出现的次数和编码; 2.将给定编码文件译码,生成字符,输出编码及其对应字符。 (Emergence of the frequency of each character in the trigeminal lists using the Huffman tree, statistics inputfile1.txt, and accordingly the Huffman tree structure, preparation of Huffman code according to the coding has been. 01 to form the code segment for decoding. Specific requirements: 1 coding the given character file, generating the encoding, and outputting the number and encoding of each character 2 will be given the encoding file decoding, generating the character, the output code and its corresponding character.)



0 个回复

  • sorting
    该文件描述了排序算法的实验指导报告,通过本实验,你可以了解插入排序、选择排序、希尔排序、堆排序、冒泡、双向冒泡、快速排序、归并排序、递归的归并排序、基数排序等多种排序方法的实验(The document describes the experimental guidance of the sorting algorithm, through this experiment, you can learn about the insertion sort, selection sort, shell sort, heap sort, bubble, two-way bubble, quick sort, merge sort, merge sort recursive basesorting a variety of sorting methods experiment )
    2012-06-08 11:28:55下载
  • build_max_heap
    最大堆排序算法,C++语言编写,原程序,算法导论(The maximum heap sort algorithm, C++ language)
    2015-01-26 16:15:21下载
  • tree
    使用非递归的方法遍历二叉树,可以直接运行。( Non-recursive binary tree traversal.)
    2013-12-04 16:08:43下载
  • heapSort.cpp.tar
    这是一个堆排序的算法源程序,算法被单独写成一个函数,希望对大家有用(This is a heap sort algorithm source code, algorithms are written as a separate function, we hope to be useful)
    2013-12-12 14:52:48下载
  • shizuo
    用哈夫曼编码的方式进行图像的压缩,其中定义了一个cdib的类,通过之类来对图像进行处理(image coding in haffman)
    2012-04-27 18:37:47下载
  • Campus-navigation-problem
    校园导航问题,设计你的学校的平面图,至少包括10个以上的景点(场所),每两个景点间可以有不同的路,且路长也可能不同,找出从任意景点到达另一景点的最佳路径(最短路径)。 要求: (1)以图中顶点表示校园内各景点,存放景点名称、代号、简介等信息;以边表示路径,存放路径长度等有关信息。 (2)为来访客人提供图中任意景点相关信息的查询。 (3)为来访客人提供任意景点的问路查询,即查询任意两个景点之间的一条最短路径。 (4)修改景点信息。 (Campus navigation problem, the design of your school s plan, at least more than 10 attractions (places), between every two spots can have a different way, and the long road may be different, to find spots to reach from any other attractions best path (shortest path). Requirements: (1) graph vertices represent various campus sites, storage sites name, code, profile and other information the side that path, the path length of storage of information. (2) the figure for visiting any sites offering information about the query. (3) any attractions for visiting guests ask queries of that query any two of the shortest path between sites. (4) modify the attractions information.)
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  • 20070320list
    包括链表的各项操作,添加、删除、修改等。还包括单项连标和双向链表。(including the operation, add, delete, revise. Also including individual targets and even two-way linked list.)
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  • cengcipianli
    按照一定的输入求出二叉树的层次遍历,输出相应的结果(Calculated in accordance with the input binary tree traversal of the hierarchy, the output of the corresponding results)
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  • 哈夫曼树解码和编码
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  • qiongju
    八皇后算法,用的是最简单的穷举法,在VC++6.0上编写的。(Eight Queens algorithm, using the simplest method of exhaustion, in VC++6.0 written on.)
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