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于 2013-06-19 发布 文件大小:8KB
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  对银行卡存款取款时候的数据变化进行管理模拟,获得收支情况(Deposits of the bank card withdrawals when data changes in management simulation to obtain income and expenditure)



0 个回复

  • Camarilla
    有提示,提示斐波纳契回撤在哪个位置,和当时的价格(There prompts, tips Fibonacci Retracement in which position, and the prevailing price)
    2013-08-24 02:44:04下载
  • FxSignalerv1.5
    MT4交易系统,FxSignaler v1.5.2 ,用于EURGBP m5,官方价格:2500$,官方网址:http://www.fxsignaler.com 请确保H1-MN都有k线数据,因为ea需要跨周期调用数据,如果没数据自然不能测试(MT4 trading system, FxSignaler v1.5.2, for EURGBP m5, the official price: 2500 $, the official website: http://www.fxsignaler.com Make sure that H1-MN has k-line data because ea need to call the data across the cycle, if no data is natural can not be tested)
    2013-09-26 01:48:15下载
  • ISO_8583_s1935889272005
    ISO 8583 implementation.
    2008-06-03 15:05:55下载
  • 查看股票行情
    可以查看多只股票实时行情,并按涨幅自动排序,如“股票编码 股票名称 当前价 涨跌 涨幅% 成交量(手) 成交额(万) 开盘价 最高价 最低价 昨日收盘" 等,绿色软件方便应用。(You can view the real-time quotations of several stocks and sort them automatically according to the increase, such as "the current price of the stock coded stock name increases or decreases% of the turnover (hand) turnover (10,000), the opening price of the highest price and the lowest price yesterday closing" and so on. Green software is easy to use.)
    2020-06-19 07:40:02下载
  • tdxDLL
    通达信选股dll源码,支持VS2010,自主开发选股dll,核心算法可加密(Letter Mastery stock picking dll source code, supports VS2010, developed picking dll, the core algorithm to encrypt)
    2014-10-19 07:54:28下载
  • management-of-bank-card
    对银行卡存款取款时候的数据变化进行管理模拟,获得收支情况(Deposits of the bank card withdrawals when data changes in management simulation to obtain income and expenditure)
    2013-06-19 11:41:04下载
  • ccruncher-1.5_src
    说明:  金融算术,计算VAR值,蒙特卡洛算法,等(CreditCruncher computes the Value At Risk (VAR) of large credit portfolios using the Monte Carlo method. Keywords: ratings, transition matrix, survival functions, correlations, copulas, VAR, Expected Shortfall )
    2010-03-19 00:35:36下载
  • SStoockSearcct
    股票搜索程序源码,可自动搜索符合一定条件的股票。这里的条件主主要包含前N天的成交量、价格等参数形成的K线特征。 (Stock Search program source code, you can automatically search for stocks that meet certain conditions. The conditions main volume contains the first N days, the price parameters such as the formation of the K-line features.)
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  • PBOC
    PBOC电子钱包交易工具--金融IC卡、双界面卡好用的测试工具。(EWallet trading tools for PBOC)
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  • Bank_Account_Management
    实现银行账号管理,实现账号的注册、修改密码、资金管理、销户等功能(Realization of bank account management, account registration, change passwords, financial management, marketing and other functions households)
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