为了实现DOA和时延的联合估计,提出了一个无线通信中高分辨率的联合角度和时延估计方法,该方法不需要对参数进行搜索,利用空时矩阵的特征向量和特征值分别估计DOA和时延,通过特征值和特征向量的对应关系,估计的参数可以自动实现配对, 只要各路径信号的DOA和时延不同时接近此方法都可以适用,与JADE-MUSIC,JADE-ESPRIT和SI-JADE算法相比,该算法具有较好的鲁棒性和较小的估计误差。仿真结果证明了该算法的有效性。 (In order to achieve the joint estimation of DOA and delay, proposed a wireless communications joint angle and high resolution delay estimation method, the method does not require parameters to search using the space-time matrix eigenvectors and eigenvalues , respectively, and the estimated DOA delay, by the correspondence between eigenvalues and eigenvectors, the estimated parameters can be automatically paired DOA and delay of each path as long as the signal is not close to this same method can be applied, with the JADE-MUSIC, JADE-ESPRIT and SI-JADE algorithm, the algorithm has better robustness and smaller estimation error. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the algorithm.)