首页 » matlab » the-basic-analysis-of-speech


于 2014-02-18 发布 文件大小:5328KB
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  语音信号时频分析,包括语谱图,过零率,自编的自相关,以及最后用了三种方法(短时能量和过零率、谱熵法、Teager算子)进行端点检测,代码完整且测试通过(time and frequency domain analysis of speech signals,including spectrogram,rate of zerocrossing,autocorrelation.and three method of endpoint detection,especially the Teager )





0 个回复

  • 最小均方误差的信噪比和信干噪比 lmssnr
    一个用matlab来实现的最小均方误差的信噪比和信干噪比(Using matlab to achieve the minimum mean square error, signal to noise ratio and signal to interference noise ratio )
    2020-07-10 01:08:57下载
  • speex-1.2rc2.tar
    语音压缩和回声消除,支持LINUX和其他平台(voip echo cancellation)
    2016-05-21 12:28:47下载
  • NMR-data-processing-water-detector
    核磁共振(NMR)技术探测地下水是目前唯一的直接找水的地球物理方法。与传统的地球物理方法相比具有高分辨力,高效率,信息量丰富和解唯一性等优点。利用核磁共振地下水探测系统可以高效率地进行区域水文地质调查,确定找水远景区,圈定地下水在三维空间内的分布,进而可靠地选定水井位置等。但是由于水中氢核产生的核磁共振信号的幅度小(纳伏级),要求探测系统的灵敏度高,将引入大量的自然和人为噪声,导致采集信号的信噪比低,解释结果不清楚。 本文用LMS自适应算法提高MRS信号的信噪比,用Hilbert变换提取MRS信号的包络信号,用线性拟合提取水文地质参数并通过仿真实验结果,验证了本文提出的数据处理方法的有效性和准确性。 (Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technique to the detection of direct water division is the only geophysical method to find water. Compared with conventional high-resolution geophysical methods, efficient, informative unique advantages of reconciliation. Groundwater exploration using nuclear magnetic resonance system can efficiently carry out the regional hydrogeological investigation to determine the prospective areas to find water, delineation of ground water distribution in three-dimensional space, and then reliably the location of the selected wells. However, because the water proton NMR signal amplitude generated by small (Na V level), requiring high sensitivity detection systems, will introduce a large number of natural and man-made noise, resulting in low signal to noise ratio acquisition, interpretation of results is not clear. In this paper, LMS adaptive algorithm improves the MRS signal to noise ratio, with the Hilbert transform to extract the signal envelope MRS signal ext)
    2013-05-15 20:23:30下载
  • fft2hps
    语音处理的实用代码,完成耳语音的声韵分割功能(Practical speech processing code, complete the ear speech sound segmentation function)
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  • 聚类示例
    实验示例是基于语音中的mfcc,语音倒谱特征来进行聚类,先利用训练样本来计算训练样本聚类中心(用到了lbg算法),之后再进行分类。 注意:使用代码时需要自己更改文件路径。(This example is based on the MFCC in speech and the feature of speech Cepstrum to cluster. First, the training sample is used to calculate the training sample clustering center (using the LBG algorithm), then the classification is then carried out.)
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  • voice-conversion--MFCC-GMM
    实现多个人的说话人识别,基于gmm模型,用mfcc参数训练(voice conversion based on gmm)
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  • corrcoef
    C语音实现Matlab corrcoef(求两个信号的互相关系数),包括了Matlab的对比验证源代码(Calculate the correlation coefficient refer the Matlab function:corrcoef)
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  • AutoPhoneSys
    自动语音应答系统 硬件需要一个语音卡或一个语音modem 其中有6个类,下载包里头有详细类说明(Automatic Voice Response System hardware needs a sound card or a voice modem which six categories, Download Packet Erlitou detailed presentation on)
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  • 2DPCA_Matlab_Codes_PAMI_2004
    这里面的代码是2DPCA的。这篇文章发表在PAMI上,Two-Dimensional PCA: A New Approach to Appearance-Based Face Representation and Recognition.google搜索已经引用681次。这里的代码是原作者的。这个分类不太好,语音识别是最近的,这是模式识别里的经典算法。(matlab code of 2DPCA)
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