智睿企业视频版网站管理系统与标准版的企业网站系统类似,支持中繁任意切换,拥有文章/新闻、图片/产品、资源下载、人才招聘、订单系统、问答/留言、友情链接、广告系统、自定义模型、等众多丰富的功能模型。 FLV视频播放指导,对于FLV类型: 打开Internet Information Services Manager(IIS),选择“本地计算机”-->用户站点-->打开“属性”-->“HTTP头”-->“MIME类型”- ->“新建”。扩展名=“.flv”MIME类型=“flv-application/octet-stream”,保存退出即可(The enterprise website system Zhirui enterprise video version of website management system and the standard version of the similar, propagation of arbitrary switching support, with articles/news, pictures/products, download resources, talent recruitment, order system, Q/message, Links, advertising system, custom models, and many other rich function model. FLV video playback instruction, for the FLV type: Open the Internet Information Services Manager (IIS), select "the local computer"-- > user site- > open the "properties"- > "HTTP" > "MIME" > "new". Extension name = ".Flv" MIME type = "flv-application/octet-stream", save exit)