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  共振解调法诊断轴承损伤类故障的原理概述如下:当轴承某一元件表面出现局部损伤时,在受载运行过程中要撞击与之相互作用的其它元件表面,产生冲击脉冲力,由于冲击脉冲力的频带很宽,必然包含轴承外圈、传感器甚至附加的谐振器等的固有频率而激起这个测振系统的高频固有振动。根据实际情况可以选择某一高频固有振动作为研究对象,通过中心频率等于该固有频率的带通滤波器把该固有振动分离出来。然后进行包络解调,去除高频衰减振动的频率成分,得到只包含故障特征信息的低频包络信号,对这一包络信号进行频谱分析便可以容易地诊断出轴承的故障来。(The principle of resonance demodulation method in the diagnosis of bearing damage such failure overview is as follows: when the bearing surface of a local damage, in the process of loading operation to hit with other elements of the interaction of surface, impact pulse power, due to the impact pulse frequency band is very wide, inevitably contains the bearing outer ring, sensors and even additional resonator and stir up the natural frequency of the vibration system of the high frequency vibration mode.A high frequency vibration mode can be selected according to actual situation as the research object, through the center frequency is equal to the natural frequency of the bandpass filter to separate the natural vibration.Then envelope demodulation, frequency components to remove the high frequency vibration attenuation, get only includes fault feature information of low frequency envelope signal, the envelope signal spectrum analysis can be easily diagnosed bearing failure.)





0 个回复

  • F16_dyn
    F16开环动力学系统模型。输入为油门及三个舵面控制,以及系统低阶、高阶选择器。输出为飞机飞行状态以及油门大小。采用Quaternion四元素法,可以有效避免俯仰角theta达到90°时数学奇异现象。(F16 open-loop dynamic system model. Throttle input and three rudder control, and system low, high selector. Output is the size of aircraft status, and throttle. Quaternion method using the four elements, can effectively avoid the pitch angle theta to 90 °, mathematics strange phenomenon.)
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