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于 2021-04-05 发布 文件大小:828KB
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  adc8051虚拟仿真模型,可以在proteus中直接打开(virtual simulator module for8051)


VSM for 8051
............\8051 ADC using an AD1674
............\........................\8051 ADC using an AD1674.vsmp,1405,2011-01-07
............\........................\AD1674 & 80C51.DSN,181353,2011-01-07
............\8051 ADC using an AD1674 sdcc
............\.............................\8051 ADC using an AD1674 sdcc.vsmp,1860,2011-04-20
............\.............................\AD1674 & 80C51.DSN,181503,2011-04-20
............\8051 DAC using a DAC1230
............\........................\8051 DAC using a DAC1230.vsmp,1262,2011-01-07
............\8051 DC Motor Controller
............\........................\8051 DC Motor controller.vsmp,7313,2011-01-07
............\........................\DC Motor.c,1121,2011-01-07
............\........................\DC Motor.DSN,319210,2011-01-07
............\8051 LCD Driver
............\...............\8051 LCD Driver.vsmp,4952,2011-01-07
............\8051 Memory
............\8051 Stepper Motor Controller
............\.............................\8051 Stepper Motor controller.vsmp,6016,2011-01-07
............\8051 Timer with LCD
............\...................\8051 Timer with LCD.vsmp,1630,2011-01-07
............\...................\8051 Timer.DSN,206485,2011-01-07
............\8051 with a DS18B20 Temperture Sensor
............\.....................................\8051 Temperature Sensor.vsmp,850,2011-01-07
............\8051 with LCD1602 LCD controller
............\................................\8051 LCD1602 LCD Driver.vsmp,5965,2011-01-07
............\8051 with Memory Mapped LCD1602
............\...............................\8051 memory mapped LCD Driver.vsmp,6026,2011-01-07



0 个回复

  • chengxu
    基于LabWindows/CVI的炉温控制系统的源程序开发,可以对温度进行实时监控和快速调整。(Based on LabWindows/CVI furnace temperature control system of the source code to develop, you can conduct real-time monitoring of temperature and rapid adjustment.)
    2009-06-05 19:30:41下载
  • IIC实验
    闪灯例程,很不错,分享下。。凑字数,一天天一,听音乐(Flash routines, very good, share.. Listen to the music one day at a time)
    2017-11-15 16:57:12下载
  • AdvanAI
    调用研华PCL数据采集卡进行采集数据例程,很容易理解,舍弃了繁琐功能!(Call Advantech PCL data acquisition card for data collection routines, it is easy to understand, abandoning the cumbersome features!)
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    永磁同步直线电机模型,已搭建完成,对初学者有帮助(Permanent magnet synchronous linear motor model has been set up is complete, help for beginners)
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  • carled
    用89s51做的车辆引导系统,在狭小的长距离单通道时避免会车(89s51 do with the vehicle guidance system, in a small single channel to avoid long-distance truck will)
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  • Sauare_wave_changed-V1.2
    8、可变频率方波发生器 用单片机的定时器设计一个频率可变的方波发生器,输出频率范围1Hz~500Hz,频率输出精度为0.5Hz。要求可以实时显示当前输出的频率,可以用键盘来设定方波发生器的输出频率,具有直接设定或逐渐调节的功能,调节分辨率和显示分辨率均为0.5 Hz,其它电路自由发挥。(8, variable frequency square wave generator with single-chip microcomputer timer design a variable frequency square wave generator, the output 1 Hz ~ 500 Hz frequency range, frequency output precision is 0.5 Hz. Requirements can real-time display current output frequency, can use the keyboard to set the output frequency of square wave generator, has the function of directly set or adjust gradually adjust the resolution and display resolution of 0.5 Hz, free play other circuits.)
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