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于 2010-08-15 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  wavelet transmission



0 个回复

  • TSP
    MATLAB TSP问题解决.可自行输入城市坐标. (MATLAB TSP problem. Are free to enter the city coordinates.)
    2009-04-01 17:12:59下载
  • 988893
    无敌SIFT,来自于大牛DG。特征提取的必备良品。(-outstanding SIFT by the inventor )
    2011-07-25 08:32:58下载
  • 2d0f67dd23d0
    Voice filter speech processing voice filter implementation developement
    2011-01-30 02:46:43下载
  • mmc1
    用于地球物理中重力和磁力位场边界提取的几个常用的算法,包含数据处理,建模,和滤波。(Gravity and Magnetic Data Mapping, Processing, Modeling and Filtering Software.)
    2014-01-08 13:22:34下载
  • lpc-by-matlab
    说明:  Matlab环境下的音频LPC分析toolbox,包含一系列工具。(LPC Matlab environment analysis of the audio toolbox, contains a series of tools.)
    2011-04-13 12:47:14下载
  • EULER_forward_ODE
    [t, y]=EULER_forward_ODE(f, t0, y0, tend, Niter) 欧拉向前逼近法求解微分方程初值问题 f定义了函数f(t,y)的 t0时的初始值定义吨 Y0的定义y的初始值( [t, y]=EULER_forward_ODE(f, t0, y0, tend, Niter) Euler forward approximation method to solve IVP ODEs f defines the function f(t,y) t0 defines initial value of t y0 defines initial value of y)
    2011-05-15 11:17:04下载
  • GGDimagedenoising
    我按这篇文章做的,广义高斯分布及其在图像去噪中的应用,没有完全做出来,谁做出来了,分享一下( The statistics of imagewavelet coefficients is non2Gaussian and can be described by generalized Gaussian distribution (GGD). The paper investigates the issues of GGD statisticalmodel for wavelet coefficients in a sub2 band and the corresponding parameters estimation . A Bayesian estimate based subband adaptive thresholding de2 noising algorithm is designed, and the performance of noise reduction of this algorithm, compared with other clas2 sicalwavelet thresholding denoising methods, is discussed according to simulation results . Keywords image wavelet coefficients generalized Gaussian distribution BayesShrink algorithm image de)
    2014-10-23 08:56:15下载
  • txt2image
    用matlab通过将txt中的数据,最终画出来一副图像,用于实验的先期和后期处理。(Matlab by comparing the data in TXT, finally draw a image, early and late processing used in the experiment. figure)
    2014-03-31 19:56:02下载
  • RFWave
    说明:  这些matlab程序不错,希望大家能有时间能看下。(The matlab program good, hope that we can have time to be able to Kanxia.)
    2010-03-29 21:20:15下载
  • walker
    模拟人的步行,是一个很好的模拟程序!!!( WALKER Human gait. This model, developed by Nikolaus Troje, is a five-term Fourier series with vector-valued coefficients that are the principal components for data obtained in motion capture experiments involving subjects wearing reflective markers walking on a treadmill. The components, which are also known as "postures" or "eigenwalkers", correspond to the static position, forward motion, sideways sway, and two hopping/bouncing movements that differ in the phase relationship between the upper and lower portions of the body. The postures are also classified by gender. Sliders allow you to vary the amount that each component contributes to the overall motion. A slider setting greater than 1.0 overemphasizes the characteristic. Can you see whether positive values of the gender coefficient correspond to male or female subjects?)
    2012-03-22 14:31:26下载
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