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于 2012-03-13 发布 文件大小:25KB
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说明:  i2c红外 小车扫描 简单程序 扫描准确(smart car scan easy program)



0 个回复

  • Visual_Studio_2010_Shortcuts
    Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express 快速功能鍵(Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express Keybinding Brochures)
    2014-01-21 14:51:30下载
  • M16_LED1
    M16跑马灯试验,内容丰富,代码简单,信息量大(M16 Marquee test, content-rich, simple code, the large amount of information)
    2012-05-28 13:24:09下载
  • SD
    说明:  读写SD卡的头文件,MMC,不含fat文件系统。(Read and write SD card.)
    2010-11-24 15:32:39下载
  • DAC
    STM32F407信号发生器输入一个正弦波,AD采样,DA输出,系统频率应该是输入的波形的频率的10倍以上保证输出波形的完整性,系统的输出频率可以使用示波器测试出。(Stm32f407 signal generator input a sine wave, AD sampling, Da output and system frequency should is 10 times the frequency of the input waveform to guarantee that the above output waveform of integrity, the output frequency of the system can use oscilloscope to test out. )
    2021-02-06 15:19:57下载
  • Realplay-
    基于单片机的霍尔传感器测速源码,带有蜂鸣器报警功能。(Hall speed sensor based on single-chip computer source, with a buzzer alarm function.)
    2015-08-27 17:03:04下载
    5-数码管动态扫描演示,能实现数码管自动的动态扫描,希望对各位有用处(5- digital dynamic scanning demonstration, to achieve a dynamic digital auto scan, you want to be useful)
    2011-06-09 18:54:51下载
  • fer1
    $regfile = M8DEF.dat internal crystal 8000000 Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Portc.1 , Db5 = Portc.2 , Db6 = Portc.3 , Db7 = _ Portc.4 , E = Portd.2 , Rs = Portd.3 Config Lcd = 16 * 2 Config Timer1 = Counter , Edge = Rising Ddrb.1 = 0 : Portb.1 = 1 PULL UP RESISTOR ACTIVATED Config Timer0 = Timer , Prescale = 1024 Enable Counter1 Enable Interrupts Enable Timer0 Enable Timer1 On Ovf1 Pulsecount On Ovf0 Ovf0occures Dim A As Long , I As Long , B As Byte B = 0 Cls Start Timer0 Do Loop End end program Ovf0occures: Incr I If I > 30 Then Stop Timer0 Cls : Home A = B * 65536 A = A + Counter1 Lcd FREQ IS : A HZ B = 0 I = 0 : Counter1 = 0 Start Timer0 End If Return Pulsecount: Incr B Counter1 = 0 Return
    2014-11-22 01:04:48下载
  • 103000900AVR
    实现时间汉字滚动的程序,有了这个程序就可以方便我们更好的实现我们想要的功能(Realize the program rolling time Chinese characters, with this program can easy for us to better realize we want to function)
    2011-12-13 09:23:41下载
  • bianyaqi
    采用模糊聚类法,对变压器的故障诊断,并且分析各种气体含量。(The fuzzy clustering method, on the transformer fault diagnosis, and analysis of various gases.)
    2010-05-17 21:09:53下载
  • SAMSUNG_S3C2440
    SAMSUNG S3C2440开发文档大全---(。)
    2009-11-16 00:20:07下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104552会员总数
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